1. This is such an important topic, Melissa. Thank you for addressing it! We have close friends who walked through this terrible loss with their teen, and it opened my eyes to the importance of keeping an open dialogue with our children. I’m saving this to share with friends!

    • Melissa

      Thank you, Stacey! It’s a topic that we don’t often want to opening talk about because of the fear and tragedy surrounding it but our children need to know there is no topic off limits for us to share and discuss. Thank you for stopping by and God bless!

  2. This is an important topic to talk about, Melissa. So thank you for doing that, and for doing it so well! We really need to talk about these hard topics with our children.

    • Melissa

      Thank you, Ronja! It is important that our children know they have the ability to talk to us about anything and everything – not matter how hard the topic is.

  3. It is so important to talk honestly with her children about suicide. Sadly it seems to be more and more prevalent. Maybe were just hearing about it more. Nonetheless, I I think talking openly and honestly about it with our children is a must! Great article Melissa.

    • Melissa

      Thank you, Char! It is more prevalent and we are hearing about it more so it’s not a topic we can or should brush under the rug. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. God bless!

  4. Melissa, this has become common in our area. I’m glad you have brought it out and addressed it and informed us on this subject. I believe our children are in a spiritual battle. I like Neil Anderson’s books on Victory Over the Darkness and the Bondage Breaker. For those who are struggling with self-defeating thoughts and feeling worthless, he provides great resources.

    • Melissa

      Unfortunately, it has become common in most areas. I’m glad you found the post beneficial and thank you for the recommendations. God bless!

  5. Hi Melissa, Thank you for this thoughtful and insightful post on this difficult topic. I agree that our kids need to know that no topic is off limits for discussion. If they feel comfortable talking to us, then they hopefully won’t feel all alone (one of the symptoms).

    • Melissa

      Yes, the perceived view of isolation and loneliness is a huge proponent of suicidal ideation. Breaking down that wall and helping our kids to know they don’t have to deal with issues alone can be so protective. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. God bless!

    • Melissa

      Thank you, Sunshyne. You’re right, it’s not often discussed because of the gravity of the topic, but it’s one we can’t shy away from. Thank you for stopping and God bless!

  6. Rebecca Jones

    Last week I had someone talk to me, I gave her my best advice and told her to seek professional help if she needed to, when I checked back with her, she appeared better. I got a prayer request but the boy died after hanging himself and then I heard of a pastor’s suicide. The only attempt I was close to did involve overwork and caregiving, thankfully he survived but His workload and mother’s death, pushed him to the brink. Iti s a talk that people should have with children and adults and the church needs to step up to battle this spirit.

    • Melissa

      Unfortunately, suicide has become an “option” for far too many people. We live in a society that doesn’t know how to handle distress and suicide has become a way to solve the problem. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your situation. God bless!

  7. Thank you for this article, Melissa! It really hit all the bases (without hitting us over the head . . . well, an article about suicide should do that to some point, but I’m left feeling motivated rather than overwhelmed). I’ll be passing this on!

    • Melissa

      Thank you so much, Jill, for your support and encouragement. Suicide is not an easy topic to discuss and not be too depressing. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. God bless!

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