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Sex is many things. It is a gift from God for married couples. It can be a way for married couples to connect and resist worldly temptation.
But sex also can create issues and problems when not engaged in as God designed. People can use it as a weapon. And it can cause a source of anxiety and fears of rejection.
And Sex is not the Way to Healing
As a therapist I see patterns that can take place within marriages. Common themes that seem to happen with couples over and over again given certain circumstances.
One pattern that causes distress for both husbands and wives is when sex is viewed as a way of healing. Either healing for the individual. Or healing for the couple.
Sex is a Way to Rebuild Connection – but not the Only Way
We’ll start with husbands. Physical touch, especially sexual intercourse often is high on men’s love language list. That means sex often is a way for men to experience and express love from/to their spouse.
First, that’s NOT a bad way. It’s just not the only way.
And that’s an important reminder when the marriage has a bump in the road. Or when the couple is feeling distant. The term “makeup sex” refers to using sex as a way to get over and/or fix a problem in the relationship.
But it’s flawed and incomplete.
As stated above, sex truly is a gift from God in that it is the most physically intimate act two people can engage in. While beautiful, it doesn’t address the issue or distance that has occurred. It is important that the married couple addresses the other aspects of connection – intellectually, spiritually, and emotionally.
I have seen husbands only address the physical and then not understand why their wife wasn’t “okay” after having intercourse.
At the same time, I have also seen wives use sex as a way to appease their husbands in a disagreement.
In either situation, this is not how God designed sex to be.
Sex is Not a Way to Gain Worth
Many women also struggle with body issues. If significant, these problems can cause misconceptions about the relationship between their body and their identity.
For women who have never felt physically desired or beautiful, the fact that their husband wants to have sex with them can become a skewed way that they receive worth. They then can seek sexual intimacy with their spouse as a way to heal their own wounds and fill their self-worth. But sex then becomes more about them than connection with each other.
This also can be true for women who have been sexually abused in their past. If they have not processed the abuse, a way to feel in control of the past pain can be to choose to have sex on their terms. Or they may believe they are only wanted for sex. That can cause them to either view sex as aversive. Or, again, seek it out to gain worth.
Also, not how God designed sex to be.
Only God can Heal Past Pain and Wounds
If any of the above sections describes you or your marriage, it is important that you and your spouse come to better understand God’s design for sex.
It is a topic that isn’t discussed near often enough in our churches or within marriages. But, as with all marriage issues, vulnerability is important and necessary.
And above all else, God is the only one who can heal you past pain and wounds. He may bring people into your life to help guide you and support you. But only He can bring peace.
Psalm 34:17-22 (NIV)
17 The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them;
he delivers them from all their troubles.
18 The Lord is close to the brokenhearted
and saves those who are crushed in spirit.19 The righteous person may have many troubles,
but the Lord delivers him from them all;
20 he protects all his bones,
not one of them will be broken.21 Evil will slay the wicked;
the foes of the righteous will be condemned.
22 The Lord will rescue his servants;
no one who takes refuge in him will be condemned.
I pray that this post met you where you are and encouraged you to seek God and not sex as a way of healing for yourself and your marriage.
God bless!
p.s. Check out all of the beautiful posts I linkup with.
Such a blessed and encouraging post for anyone who using sex as just a means to get by life. Sex can be such a vulnerable subject to anyone who has gone through abuse .
The Lord can heal every layers of pains, and I pray anyone reading this post will cry out to God, and seek counsel.
Thank you Diana! That is my prayer as well. Sex is such a vulnerable topic in general and often times gets used in ways and forms never intended by God. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your insight. God bless!
This is excellent, accurate information about sex in marriage. Thank you for sharing your insight with your readers!
Well fancy the timing! I was just on YOUR site! 🙂 Thank you for stopping by. God bless!
I agree. We don’t talk nearly enough about God’s design for healthy sex within the context of marriage in our churches. And it’s a shame! Blessings to you as you share this tough topic for His glory!
It is sad to me that it is not discussed more. So many aspects of sex, in our culture and in Churches, are not God’s design. It’s leading to hurt within marriages and confusion for the younger generation. Thank you for stopping by and reading! God bless!
Ah, love, is a many splendored thing! Ha, ha. And sex is certainly more complex than just a row in the hay, so to speak. Good and informative post, Melissa. I always appreciate your wisdom and insight! – Amy
It is more complex than just a role in the hay! And unfortunately it’s not being discussed that way by our culture and the Christian church isn’t discussing the topic in the way it should. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your insights. God bless!
Thank you for talking about this topic! Understanding how different men and women and their love languages helps me understand the topic of sex even more!
Men and women view sex differently and modern culture verses Christian faith view sex differently. And when you add in skewed views and past pain, the result is sex being engaged in completely different than how God designed. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. God bless!
A lot of truth here. I too hate the term make-up sex! It implies that sex solves the initial problem which is not true – as you said it’s incomplete.
Thanks for sharing.
Unfortunately far too many people believe make-up sex does just that. We need to take back the understanding of sex as God designed. Thank you for stopping by, Nylse! God bless!