1. Unfortunately I have had anumber of students over the years with hundreds, even thousands of little scars nicked into their skin. It always grieves me to the core.

    • Melissa

      It is tremendously sad that they get to a place of pain and feel they have no other way or option to handle their distress but to harm themselves. And even more sad is the fact that our society has come to normalize the behavior.

  2. I knew a few girls that did this during school. I didn’t know the reasons behind but it makes sense! Thank you for covering these topics!

    • Melissa

      Unfortunately it does make sense and even “works” in the moment but has significantly negative ramifications. Thank YOU for stopping by and reading about these tough topics. God bless, Julie!

  3. This is such an important topic. I worked in a treatment facility that was home to numerous cutters. Their families were bewildered trying to understand and help their children. Thank you for offering crucial help!

    • Melissa

      Thank you Kelly! And thank YOU for working with people in need. Self-harming behavior is not often discussed or it’s lumped in with suicidal thoughts and behaviors. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your experience. God bless!

  4. Oh! This speaks to me. I had this issue when I was a teen. I’m not sure how to describe why I would, but I’m certain it wasn’t for attention. My mom and I are VERY different people and I felt as though I was battling between what she wanted me to be and who I was. I think it was a way to deal with the pent up emotions that I didn’t want to release on her, out of respect that she was my mom. <3 It's my mission to never build a wall between my boys and myself. An open line of communication will give them the ability to approach me with concerns, no matter the issue. (at leas this is my prayer) I hope that open line will help with the "want" to inflict harm on themselves. <3 Thank you for sharing Melissa! I always find your articles extremely insightful and help me understand things I went through.

    • Melissa

      I’m so sorry this is something you went through, Katie! This is the exact reason I described the self-reflection of area for parents to ensure they are letting their children know they love and always want to support them no matter the situation. Thank you so much Katie for sharing your personal experience of self-harming behavior. God bless!

  5. This is such a hard topic to cover. I remember having friends who self-harmed in high school. It was hard for someone who didn’t understand to support them. But they knew I at least tried, their parents didn’t understand at all. Fast-forward to today, I wonder if the parent’s cared so much it was hard to cope.

    • Melissa

      I work with many parents that struggle significantly when their children are self-harming. They feel guilt, confusion, pain, and some anger. Next week’s post will walk through how to react if you find out your child is self-harming. Thank you for stopping by Heather. God bless!

  6. Thank you for addressing a difficult topic. Learning how to respond to someone that has self-injured is key. Yes, it can be shocking but staying calm is crucial. I think one can focus too much on the act behavior trying to get the person to stop when what is needed is to get to the root of the problem. What is hurting them? Recognizing the person is in great pain on the inside. We ended up seeing the self-injury as a roadmap into the heart of the person. Learning how to respond to a person that has self-injured can make a huge difference in getting them the help they need.

    So true about addiction and it happens fast. Especially, because self-injury releases endorphins and leaves the person feeling better in the short term. However, it is a horrible coping skill for the long run. On my website, I have some great book listed on my mental health resource page.

    Thank you for sharing with Grace & Truth. I look forward to part two.

    • Melissa

      Yes, staying calm is crucial. In part two I will go into helping a parent react to the situation if they realize their child is self-harming. Thank you so much for stopping by and sharing your thoughts and access to your book resources. God bless!

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