1. Hey, Melissa! Great points here. I wish I’d had this when I was growing up. I grew up in a wonderful, small, Bible believing church. Somewhere along the way I developed a harsh, judgmental spirit. It took God years to curb that tendency. It’s still there, although at least now I know it, and can prepare myself better. These are important tools if we want to reach our hurting world where they are. Thank you!

    • Melissa

      I don’t think you are alone Dianne! I think when we see the awesomeness of being a child of God, we can fall into judging people who haven’t made the same decision. Knowing it can happen is what we first need to acknowledge so that we, like you stated, can prepare ourselves. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your story. God bless!

  2. Providing truth in love is a big one. Someone told me once it’s our responsibility to speak truth in love, but it’s not our responsibility how people accept that truth. I’ve held onto that because I think there’s so much wisdom in it!

    • Melissa

      That is great wisdom! So often people choose not to speak truth in love because they are worried about the other person’s response. Thank you for stopping by and sharing that nugget! God bless!

  3. Alysha

    Thank you for sharing this wisdom! Meeting people where they are is definitely step 1 to trying to help them. So many times we want to push people into where we think they should be, while God may have them there for a reason!

    • Melissa

      Yes there is a huge difference between walking with them and attempting to drag them. Dragging never ends positively! Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. God bless!

    • Melissa

      Thank you! It’s so important to not push, shame or scold someone into come to faith. It will only push them farther away. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. God bless!

    • Melissa

      That’s what we’re called for right?! Truth in love is so important. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. God bless!

  4. Thank you for the wise words! I have started to have these conversations with my 10 years old, how to love those around him even when he knows that they are doing something that goes against our family values. He tends (as I often do), to feel superior because he knows better, but we try to help him realize that without a Savior we are all broken the same.

    • Melissa

      That’s great that you are having this conversation with him now. It can be easy to feel superior when you can see the error of other people’s ways. It’s so important to help teach humility. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your family’s experience. God bless!

  5. This is an important subject to teach our kids about! We have many opportunities to judge, so learning how to be intentional and follow alternatives ways is great!

    • Melissa

      Unfortunately we live in a world that judges others so it’s so important that we teach our children the alternate ways! Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. God bless!

  6. This is such sound advice at such a tricky age! I love that you point out to be who we are. Be genuine and vulnerable. <3 I know my parents did the best and they were wonderful. However, feeling like it wasn't me VS them would have been a true game changer.

    • Melissa

      The me VS them situation with teens is such a hard relationship to tackle. Hopefully starting these types of conversations early help our teens to feel like we are all on one side. Thank you for sharing your experiences. God bless!

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