1. Christy Mobley

    Well thought out and laid out lesson you have presented here. I hope you have many who will read it. Coming to you from Recharge Wednesday.

  2. I really enjoyed this! It’s so true. Christians get pulled into the culture around them and that becomes more influential than the Word of God. I appreciate your truth and loyalty to scripture here!

    • melissa

      Thank you Kristina! It can be so hard for marriages to remain rooted in the word if they aren’t acknowledging the temptations. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. God bless!

    • melissa

      It is very heart-breaking. Thank you for your encouragement. I need all I can get! And thank you for stopping by and reading. God bless!

  3. How sad especially the kids addicted to porn under the age of 11?!?? This is why it’s so important to follow God and His guidelines about marriage so we can have a marriage that God desires!

  4. How sad especially the under 11-year-olds! As a parent that is worrisome, and it makes me more steadfast to teach them God’s guidelines so they can have happy marriages that God desires!

    • melissa

      I know. It makes me want to put my kid in bubble wrap with ear muffs on! But in reality, you’re right, if we teach them God’s guidelines and why they are best for us, they will be equipped with all they need. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. God bless!

  5. Great reminder to us who are married Christians. I do see a thread throughout the younger generation- living together as a form of trying out for a possible marriage or getting engaged but never setting a date because they already live together and are intimate. Because of this there is no urgency to get married and that has devastating affects on the relationship for the long run. God really knows what He is talking about when he gives us marital instruction. It is for our good not harm.

    • melissa

      It is for good not harm. But it is so hard for so many people to see it that way. It has to be a shift in mentality from “I want it right now!” (It happening to be whatever is there in the moment.) To “I will wait and follow you.” Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. God bless!

  6. It’s so sad how our society is embracing starter marriages. Even worse is children under 11 suffering from porn addictions. Thank you for your servant heart to let God use you to bring His truth and health to those He brings across your path everyday. Not just at your workplace, but through your writing. Blessings …

  7. I have asked my students what they think the world would look like without sexual immorality. No adultery, no rape, no sexually transmitted diseases, no pedophilia, no porn… we make a drastic mistake when we believe that our actions do not affect the world.

  8. The other day, I was so shocked when I saw a family sitcom expressing that porn in a relationship is natural and healthy. What?!? From what authority is this coming from and why do sitcoms feel the need to address such a personal issue for families?

    I completely agree that sustaining intimacy in marriage is our way of fighting against sexual immorality. Because the fight is real, and it’s a growing epidemic that is threatening our marriages and families.

  9. I love studying Paul. I learn so much through his writings and teachings! His teachings still ring true in our world today! The line in the sand is becoming more defined. We are to be different and stand out… Christian marriage should look different. I love how you point out that some women loathe that verse, and how you go on to tell the truth about that verse. If we are Christians we believe all that we have (including our bodies) is not our own but God’s. He knows the struggles in this world, and if He has commanded husband and wife to act a certain way with each other, it’s only for our good, His good. <3 A powerful message and one that should be addressed more often in the church!

    • melissa

      The line in the sand seems to be turning into a chasm! Sexual intimacy is a topic that has become so skewed in our society and definitely needs to be addressed more thoroughly in church and in our Christian communities. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts and insights. God bless!

  10. Thank you for this post. It is so refreshing to hear of someone that is not afraid to speak the truth pertaining to God’s word. Continue to allow God to use you.

    God Bless you

    • melissa

      Thank you very much Janell. I’m glad you found the post beneficial. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. God bless!

    • melissa

      Thank you Ashley. Sexual intimacy seems to be a touch that is too often avoided however this is an area that so many of my marriage clients are struggling with. It needs to be discussed. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. God bless!

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