1. Melissa you have hit the nail on the head again! I see these attitudes so prevalent, especially in young married couples. I like that you pointed out, this is a giving of 100%, not 50/50. The world’s message is that we should only give as much as we get, or just get, get, get without giving anything in return, but God gave 100% of Himself and we are expected to do the same. Thanks for sharing your wisdom! – Amy

    • Melissa

      Thank you for your kind words Amy! Yes, I also see this as more prevalent in our younger married couples. It is so sad as it only leads to pain and hurt. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. God bless!

  2. So helpful! I often feel tempted to so much of what you talk about here! My prayer has been to pray before taking matters into my own hands. The temptation to do so is often there, though! Thank you!

    • Melissa

      The temptation is often there because that Satan knows how to harm marriages. He whispers and questions the love of your husband so that you will doubt – and then attempt to take matters into your own hands, as you said. Prayer before action is such a powerful model! Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. God bless!

  3. Girrrrl I think I am victim to every single one of these! So on point. It’s never good to test your husband, and making myself aware of it is step one to stopping. Thank you so much for this post, and I’m sure my husband will be thankful, too!

    • Melissa

      ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m glad you found the post beneficial! These can be easy things to fall into without even realizing you are doing them. Thank you for stopping by and God bless your marriage!

  4. I so rarely get to be right in my marriage I have never hit the share button so fast in my life. Is sharing this with your wife 6 different ways overkill? Anyway, great points. I know I have a lot to work on myself before people start tasing me or whatever they do to people in comment sections. Seriously though great points.

    • Melissa

      ๐Ÿ™‚ Haha! Prescott I love that your humor comes through in comments, too. Thank you for affirming the post from a husband’s point of view! I hope your wife finds the post beneficial ๐Ÿ˜‰ God bless!

  5. Melissa, thank you for your wisdom. I never think of how certain things I do could be my attempts of testing my husband. Oh, it is something that I will pay attention to from now on. Pinning this to my marriage board.

    • Melissa

      I’m so glad you found the post beneficial! Yes, testing is a behavior that can happen both intentionally and unintentionally. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts as well as pinning. God bless!

  6. “A Christian marriage is not about living life 50/50 with your spouse. It is about giving 100% of your love, to the best of your ability, everyday. With hopes that your spouse is doing the same. But without the guarantee that he will.” A beautiful message, one that I remind myself of often! I’ve been going through a phase where I want to continue to pour out love to my husband, even when there are areas where I feel he could improve or do better. I have been trying less nagging, and pouring out where I can. I’ve noticed that when I do that, he follows suit! Responding with love has always gotten the best responses and we both come out so much happier. I feel so much more free giving up on nagging and focusing on pouring out in any way that I can. Basically, I’m happier when I focus on what *I* can do and not what *he* can do or isn’t doing!

    • Melissa

      Yes, very often when our heart is in a place of pure intention and focused on love and God, others around us can feel it and often was to emulate that behavior as well. Nagging rarely, if ever, actually achieves the desired outcome. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your experiences. God bless!

  7. Wonderful advice! I used to test my husband repeatedly, the sad thing is, I actually hoped that he would fail. Our marriage was in a dark place, we were in a dark place, so when he would “fail” I could add it to my list of reasons to leave. It eventually got to the place where we said we were done. But, Praise God, He saved us! Not only did He give us a new marriage but He also made us new. Since that time, I make a conscious effort to never test him.

    • Melissa

      Praise God indeed! He can make all things new and it’s so great that your marriage gets to be a testimony of that truth! Thank you so much for stopping by and sharing your story. God bless!

  8. Great insights here! I am so pleased to say that after reading all of the scenarios and ways that this plays our, I was relieved to realize that in this regard, I think my husband and I are doing well. I would call the scenarios “games,” and I am happy to testify that WE DON’T DO GAMES with each other. We are not perfect, but we are authentic, and just…… skip over the games. Thank you God for were we are today… Thank you to Melissa for working to make a difference in families.

    • Melissa

      Tests and games are one area that we set very solid boundaries on when we first started dating. I’m sure in the almost 16 years that we have been together I have probably slipped up at least once or twice but it is definitely a focus for both of us.

  9. I think I’ve done all 3 in my marriage at some point! ๐Ÿ™ I’m learning from your posts about how to approach marriage in a different light!

    • Melissa

      I think we all have slipped up at some time or another. God gives us guidance and a blueprint to follow but it certainly can be hard at times. I’m glad you are finding the marriage posts beneficial. God bless!

  10. “If you asked him, is the task not getting done at all or not in your time.” THIS is so true and so HARD. I can’t tell you how many times I want want to get mad or upset because something isn’t done when I need it to be! My rule of thumb is, if it has to be done in order for me to do something else (like taking out the kitchen trash so I can scrape plates and load the dishwasher) I won’t ask my husband to do it. Time-sensitive tasks just aren’t his cup of tea. Acknowledging this and not putting that burden on him avoids a lot of fighting in our house.

    • Melissa

      Yes, it’s so important to that we are being grateful of any help what we are receiving. If it is something that really needs to be completed to our specifications it often is best done ourselves. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your experiences. God bless!

  11. Great points and article. I know I don’t want to be tested by my mate. So I should extend him the same curtesy. I am also not sure what it would prove. If he fails, do I keep testing him more? And if he passes do I leave him alone or test him some more just to make sure? We can drive ourselves crazy.

    • Melissa

      Thank you, Theresa. Yes, testing our spouse is always coming from our own emotional insecurities. It isn’t helpful or rational. And it definitely can cause personal and marital distress. Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts. God bless!

  12. Melissa, THIS IS SOOOO GOOD! Thanks for putting it straight forward for us women out there. I feel like our generation needs to challenge the role for us wives more rather than always putting all the blame on him. Thanks again!

    • Melissa

      Thank you Denise! Yes, modern society doesn’t like me very much! ๐Ÿ™‚ But, it is so important for Christian wives to understand how different we should be presenting that our current culture’s view of women and marriage. Thank you for stopping by and for sharing your thoughts. God bless!

    • Melissa

      That’s the important part, right?! To focus our sights on God and ask Him to help us try to do better! Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. God bless!

  13. Oh! I couldn’t agree more. And we shouldn’t test anyone because, as you said, it puts us at odds with them. It’s a test to see if they’ll fail! Crazy!!! When I was young….my poor husband. Wisdom comes with age!

    • Melissa

      I think we each can look back at some of the thoughts and behaviors we had in our early years of marriage that we are happy our spouse we still in the “smitten” phase! ๐Ÿ™‚ Thank you stopping by and sharing your thoughts, Char! God bless!

  14. This was a great post to help us remember to examine why we as wives interact the way we do with our husbands. And you’re right… most of the time we don’t think it all the way out when we intentionally or unintentionally set up the tests… It was a good challenge to ask ourselves “To what end” are we doing these things. Great points! thanks

    • Melissa

      Thank you, Karen! Yes, we need to be intentional with our actions and ask ourselves why we are behaving/reacting in the way that we are. Is it going to bring love and honor to the relationship or encourage pain? Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. God bless!

  15. Excellent post, Melissa. When I stopped playing these silly games in my marriage, it grew stronger. And now, I just don’t have time for trying to manipulate my husband. It just works better to communicate properly. Thanks for sharing on Grace & Truth.

    • Melissa

      Thank you Aimee! It definitely works better to communicate properly! Often it takes self-reflection and growth to realized the games and manipulation are happening. And then it takes guidance and God’s help to stop the behaviors. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your experience. God bless!

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