1. Wow! These words are so powerful! Our society should share more words like this than other nonsense like the Kardashians. I pray that God begins to position the right people so our society reflects more of this!

    • melissa

      Thank you Kimberly! As a therapist I see too many females of all ages being pushed and pulled and crammed into boxes they were never meant to be in. It saddens be to see how far away from God’s design we have gotten. Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts. God bless!

    • Pamela

      So right Kimberly this is what I have been praying for to be positive and an uplifter.
      Also taking responsibility for my own words n actions. In the world of today people want to lay the blame on another’s shoulders for making them do what they did. In all reality no one can make you do the wrong thing. That is solely your decision to do what’s right or wrong.

      • Jeanne

        Hi Melissa, I’m concerned about the Titus 2 movement which has swept the church in recent years. I feel it’s based on a somewhat flawed exegesis of the passage and the result is a flawed movement (with a life of it’s own!). My view is not PC in women’s Christian circles for sure, and male leadership won’t dare criticize for fear of being labeled mysogenist, etc. However, your article seems reasonable and makes many good points. In particular, demonstrating the very qualities we are supposed to be teaching (“training”) others. Demonstrate means to do… Ours is a female dominated culture, and invariably the runaway Titus 2 movement is all about us once again. Obsessed with our place, identity, voice, ministry, influence, reputation, importance, legacy, happiness, fulfillment… are we older women actually demonstrating contentment as we gather women to ourselves (away from serving husbands and children) and by example teach them to do the same. After all, it’s NOT about letting husbands lead their wives with honor, no but rather seeking out “spiritual” women to meet our spiritual needs. Am I the only one who thinks this way?

  2. Melissa, this is a great post. I totally agree, that women in our society are going after equality in a wrong way. We are not men and men are not women. God made us different for a reason and He knew what strengths to give each of them and how working together makes a much more efficient relationship and a stronger, more stable society. Thank you for sharing this wisdom. – Amy

    • melissa

      Absolutely Amy! When we do things different that how God designed it doesn’t go well! That’s been true since the beginning of man! Thank you for stopping by and sharing your insights. God bless!

  3. I just wrote an ariticle entitled: Why I’m Not a Feminist, and Why I’m Not, Not a Feminist. We will see if they publish it! Great reminder that equal doesn’t mean the same. Praise God for that!

    • melissa

      It sounds like it would be a great article but definitely not popular with society today! Thank you for stopping by. God bless!

  4. What a wonderful, close, and balanced look at what Titus 2 means for us today, and our daughters. This article is so worth bringing back over and over again! Hugs my precious sister.

    • melissa

      Thank you Tammy! It is such an important topic and is getting so skewed in our society. Thank you for your encouragement! God bless!

  5. What’s happening in our society is just more evidence of the curse on Eve coming to fruition. The feminist movement doesn’t celebrate what it means to be feminine, but seeks to take what is unique to men. Hooray for what you said here. Thanks!

    • melissa

      What a great point Karen! Yes, the curse of Eve is being played out more and more in our culture. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. God bless!

  6. This is a great post, Melissa! I was just reading about the differences between men and women in the home according to God. Instead of making me feel put down, it empowered me to feel like my job is super important as a woman in my home!

    • melissa

      Yes! As it should! We were created to be different and important in our own right. We are not to be compared to men because we were not created to be men! Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. God bless!

  7. I was just reading this passage today. It struck me much the same way. Teaching to be reverent is key. Reverence is not being taught. The devil is trying to destroy how God has set things up and so he chooses to belittle and encourage us to belittle those who we should respect.

    • melissa

      Yes! Reverence is definitely not being taught. Step into any gathering of children and teens and you can tell reverence is not being taught. The devil has a tight grip but thankfully we know Who wins! Thank you for stopping by and sharing your insights. God bless!

  8. Melissa, What a great word. Yes, men and women are different and that is good. My teen son and I were just talking today about women and how some of the ways women show they are strong and empowered are not really showing them as strong and empowered (like posting scantily dressed pictures of themselves, being the aggressor in relationships). Sometimes we women also tap more into our masculine side to empower our self. We try to be harsh and hard like men, but this doesn’t bring us happiness. We need to be feminine, womanly, and compliment men. We need to be Christian women of class.

    • melissa

      That’s so wonderful that you were having this conversation with your teenage son. Yes, we need to go back to embracing femininity. And helping others understand that that doesn’t mean weaker or less than. Just simply different! Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts and experiences. God bless!

  9. I’m grateful that both men and women can be strong and competent and called, without compromising themselves or each other. God is truly a good Father to bless us with such diversity in the body.

    • melissa

      Yes, I’m grateful as well! We are important in our own right because both men and women are made in God’s image and at the same time distinctly different. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. God bless!

  10. What a great post, Melissa! I love how you broke down this passage and explained each phrase. You have done well addressing this topic. Thank you for linking up with Grace and Truth. I have chosen your post as my feature this week. Please stop by my site tomorrow (Friday) and get the “I Was Featured” button for your post!

    • melissa

      Thank you Aimee! This is an area that I feel desperately needs attention given society’s view of women. Thank you for the feature! God bless!

  11. Ivette Carmichael

    I have a question on submission. My husband wants me and the kids to go w ith him to Venezuela for missionary work. My kids are small. Also, in that country food and medicine are scarce. Also, crime is at a high rate. I feel that if my kids are to sacfrice and themselves for Christ, it should be when they’re older and able to make the decision. What do I do? Say?

    • Melissa

      This sounds like a difficult situation Ivette. I would say first, pray for God’s guidance. Ask for His discernment about the situation. Then I would suggest having an open conversation with your husband following God’s promptings. God bless you and your family!

  12. This is awesome! Thank you for this. In a world where everyone is trying to “prove” their self, it is so easy to become unaligned with God. ♥️

  13. Ella

    Came across this post on accident , read and reread several times! Im also reading Becoming a Titus 2 Women by Martha Peace and this has touched my life deeply. I have 2 daughters still very young and I want to be the example they need to become women of God. Thank you for emphasizing this passage. May God Bless You!

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