1. This act is supposed to bring unity between the husband and wife. I believe that the world has influenced this generation to seek to inflict pain on the wife rather than love her. This causes the wife to get on anti-depressants and be miserable. It’s supposed to be a beautiful vulnerability where each is LOVED. I don’t see this in any marriages.

    • melissa

      This vulnerability is definitely still in some marriages! Unfortunately sex as God designed doesn’t get discussed, taught, or mentored to in the ways that is should. Far too often, sex does become a divisive weapon within the marriage from both spouses. Thank you for stopping by and commenting! God bless!

  2. Kristi

    Truth! We cannot use a beautiful gift as a weapon. How sad it makes Christ when we do this. Humblinnourselves is difficult even to the ones we love but especially when we are upset. Letting Christ’s forgiveness work through us will keep us from doing this.

    • melissa

      Your right Kristi. It’s also important for sex to be discussed in Christian communities and not be viewed as an hand’s off, taboo topic! Thank you for reading and commenting! God bless!

    • melissa

      It certainly is supposed to be. Somehow it has gotten terribly distorted for too many couples. Thank you for reading and commenting! God bless!

    • melissa

      I agree. Maturity helps in all aspects or our marriage. Unfortunately real damage can be done prior to maturity if the topic of biblical sex isn’t talked about more openly. Thank you for stopping by and commenting! God bless!

  3. Our culture has taken sex out of the marriage covenant and then when there are problems, people wonder why. If we used it as God designed, it would be valued and a gift.

    • melissa

      This is so true Julie! It needs to be a topic talked about more often with parents to teens and from the pulpit. Thank you for reading and commenting! God bless!

  4. Intimacy can be so beautiful or so ugly depending on the heart. When two people come together to share intimacy because of love for each other and God it is a beautiful thing. The world has made it such an ugly thing because of the perversion of hearts. You have to fight for intimacy because the world is knocking on the bedroom door always trying to lead you astray or make you believe you are missing out on something. It is a lie from the pit!

  5. Important word! I must say, even though my husband and I have almost never treated each other in these specific ways, this message still hits home. It makes me reflect on intimacy and how I regard it! Is is important to me? Is it taking a back burner for convenience sake? Thank you for sparking thought on the matter! Healthy sex is so very important in a Godly marriage!

    • melissa

      I’m so glad the post was beneficial for you today! Intimacy can definitely take a back burner if we let it. It likely should be given a greater level of importance in most marriages! Thank you for reading and commenting! God bless!

  6. Heidi

    Such a lovely post!
    Sex is so important in a marriage. It’s one thing that’s not talked about outside of the home. And I think that needs to change. We need to encourage others to love our spouses and be intimate with each other.

    • melissa

      Thank you Heidi! You’re right, sex, at least not biblical sex, is not talked about outside of the home. There needs to be more information for newlyweds so that they don’t fall into these patterns. Thank you for reading and commenting! God bless!

    • melissa

      Thank you, Amy, for your kind words! As it is a couple’s topic I thought it best to make sure each were addressed. Thank you for stopping by and commenting! God bless!

  7. This was very refreshing to read! I was a virgin when I married my husband 2 years ago. To be honest, this has definitely been an area where I desire to grow in as I often feel like my emotional needs aren’t being met. And then it’s like a pengilium that’s going back and forth about a man and a woman’s needs. Ah! I’m sure you’ve heard this conversation before Melissa. Haha. Looking forward to reading more of what you have to share! 🙂

    • melissa

      Thank you for sharing Dominique. I hope you take the time to read my post, Sexual intimacy is a Gift, that was linked in this post. It gives greater information about the importance of sexual intimacy within the marriage. Thank you for stopping by and commenting! God bless!

    • melissa

      So true Ann! And unfortunately the beauty and purity of sex is not a mainstream idea! So unless we are willing to talk about it more freely, we are setting young couples up for failure. Thank you for reading and commenting! God bless!

  8. So very true. And it is private and therefore hidden so we don’t talk about it much. That makes it even easier for things to spiral out of control. You get a sense it is normal from watching television and listening to other people talk.

    • melissa

      You’re right, misusing sex has become all too ‘normal’ in our culture. But as Christians we are called to live a different life and not succumb to cultural ways. Thank you for reading and commenting! God bless!

    • melissa

      Ha! To be a fly on the wall! But it is a topic too important not to discuss no matter how uncomfortable for some people. Thank you for your continual support and encouragement for the site and me!! God bless!

  9. Very well written post! I love how you pointed out it’s not a weapon or a reason to get back at your partner for something they’ve done.
    I attended a ‘Marriage on the Rock’ christian-based class this year and I also watched ‘The Five Love Languages’ video series. Both also discuss why sex is a gift for married couples. My husband’s Love Language is physical touch. I don’t want sex as often as him but I very rarely decline because he respects all my love languages.

    • melissa

      Thank you for sharing Terra. Love, all aspects of it, is an active choice to give to our spouse. While guys do tend to have a greater desire for sex, I also gently challenge you to search reasons why you may not to be intimate with him as often. I say that only to ensure that their isn’t anything (insecurities, past hurts, etc.) that hinder you from enjoying to the fullest extent this beautiful intimacy that God created. Thank you for reading and commenting! God bless!

    • melissa

      So true! There is nothing in marriage that was meant to have the focus “my needs”. The scripture verses from Ephesians that I shared highlights that. The husband is to focus on his wife and the wife is to focus on the husband. Thank you for reading and commenting! God bless!

    • melissa

      Thank you for your kind words Elizabeth. It is a beautiful gift that God has given us and unfortunately it has been twisted and tainted. Thank you for stopping by and commenting! God bless!

  10. Channing

    Melissa, enjoyed your reminder that intimacy is a gift of compassion and grace that we give our spouse rather than give to ourselves; especially when they don’t deserve it. Would enjoy your insight in future articles on the passage that commands couples to be intimate as an act of faith in order to ‘armor’ themselves [our 7th armor of God] from the temptations of the great tempter; Satan. “Do not refuse and deprive and defraud each other [of your due marital rights], except perhaps by mutual consent for a time, so that you may devote yourselves unhindered to prayer. But afterwards resume marital relations, lest Satan tempt you [to sin] through your lack of restraint of sexual desire.”

    • melissa

      I’m glad you found the article beneficial. That is a great future article idea to unload that scripture passage and make it relevant to couples. Thank you for your thoughts and desire to get my insight. God bless!

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