1. We HAVE become a society of lust. It’s so commonplace that Christians no longer feel bad about it. Camera men in movies slide the camera lense sensuously over women to make the viewer start salivating sexually. And if you point it out to any Christian man, the man becomes angry and defensive and finds nothing wrong with looking lustfully at women on TV and movies. We are so de-sensitized.

    • melissa

      It has become commonplace and it is a growing concern. Desensitization is a difficult place to come out of. We have to do our best to teach our children differently and guard our own hearts and minds. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and insights. God bless!

    • melissa

      Thank you so much Emily for the nomination. It’s so encouraging to hear from other bloggers that the site and content are positive! God bless!

    • melissa

      I love how straightforward the verses are. There really is no skirting their message! Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts! God bless!

    • melissa

      It’s a really hard truth. Especially as a parent knowing this is the world and reality our children are living in. Thank you for stopping by and commenting! God bless!

  2. In a society that does it’s best to immerse us in all things sexual, it is absolutely necessary that we combat this with the Word of God!

  3. We are constantly innodated with sex with social, TV, and especially music. We have to walk after the spirit in order to not fulfill the lust of the flesh also guard our ears and eyes against perverse things.

    • melissa

      So true Crystal. If we are willing to engage in entertainment that promotes and encourages these types of issues then we run the risk of becoming desensitized. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts! God bless!

  4. I love your honesty when you talk about your blog… it’s true. Also, I’m so glad you put covet with lust. Often, people put lust with sex, but it’s not always about sex. It’s about wanting anything with an overwhelming wave of desire! Worldly desires eat our soul! Great way to shed light!

    • melissa

      You’re right, worldly desires do eat our soul. Because when we lust after something it becomes all consuming. Anything that takes away our focus God (especially with that level of intensity) is detrimental. Thank you for your kind words and for stopping by to share! God bless!

    • melissa

      It does. He knows all of our areas of weakness and difficulties before we were even born. He has foreseen all of it. That gives such comfort, right?! Thank you for reading and commenting! God bless!

  5. We have become open to sin and it really is a shame. Yes, it is here and it is going to stay, but we should reject it and not support those that produce it. These verses are spot on, Melissa.

    • melissa

      You’re right Lori, we need to not only passively stay away from those things but actively reject them. Thank you for stopping by and commenting! God bless!

  6. You have touched a very important subject here. We need to focus on the Lord and steer clear of worldly lusts if we want to have any witness before the world and please the Lord. ❤️

    • melissa

      So true Edith. We can’t have both and that is a hard acknowledgement for some. Thank you for stopping by and commenting! God bless!

    • melissa

      I have one boy and one girl. There are different difficulties for both! I do my best to take care of the things I have control over – electronics, shows/movies, music, and education. Beyond that I know that my children know God and they are ultimately in his hands. Thank you for stopping by and commenting. God bless!

  7. This such an important topic! Sometimes I think we become accepting of all the subtle and not so subtle sexual innuendo portrayed publicly. May we strive to exemplify Godliness in every area of our life.

    • melissa

      You’re right Lureta, so many things have become acceptable in our society. And Godliness must be shown with a joyful heart so that others will want to know God’s love as well! Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. God bless!

  8. We stopped watching certain shows because we felt it was not honoring God or helping us grow in our faith. The devil can use anything to slowly separate us from our Savior and we didn’t want to give him an in any longer with what we were watching.

    • melissa

      We have made that decision too with shows, movies, and some music. In so many instances the inappropriate content just isn’t necessary. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. God bless!

  9. Personal boundaries are, well, personal, right? But why not choose to set those boundaries high? Err on the side of caution? Most of our personal boundaries can be set without debate if we measure them against the following standard: righteous living. Is this choice going to cause me AND/OR others to live righteously? Or unrighteously? That makes most boundaries pretty definitive. Thank you for this thought-provoking post.

    • melissa

      Julie you are so right on all points. Too often people don’t take the time to think of these questions and set appropriate boundaries. Thank you for stopping by and sharing you insights. God bless!

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