1. There are many people in my world too who makes me feel like a vulnerable 11 year old unless I cling on to God’s promises and under His Shadows. Now I am prepared with the Word when I feel attacked by the enemy

    • Melissa

      His word can protect us from all attacks when we utilize it! I’m glad you have found the Word to be beneficial to you during these times. Thank you for stopping by Diana and sharing your insights. God bless!

    • Melissa

      Yes, it is a continual process that we need to maintain so that we can stay in the light. Thank you for stopping by and commenting. God bless!

  2. This makes me think as a mom to be careful what messages I give my kids as I don’t want them to be labeled with anything other than a precious child of God! Speaking truth to ourselves and those we love is so critical to our spiritual, mental, and emotional health.

    • Melissa

      It is so critical. The words of others can unknowingly cause pain. Love and truth to everyone we come in contact with is how we are called to interact. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. God bless!

  3. We shouldn’t be defined by what other people say about us, but that’s hard to do when things are spoken into a child who has no way of knowing how to not internalize what is being spoken.

    • Melissa

      It is hard for a child which is why it is so important that we are interacting with child in love. And if a child is acting in a way that is not appropriate, that we are focusing on the behavior we would like them to be doing instead. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. God bless!

  4. This is great! As someone who grew up hearing verbally abusive words, negativity was a lifeline for me. It wasn’t until my husband (who also experience VA) was purposeful and intentional about speaking positive words over me, did I start to do what is mentioned here. It has pulled me out of a lot, and the Lord has really ministered to me.

    • Melissa

      Yes, I have an awesome husband, too who raises me up over and over. It has taken a lot of years heal some of the old wounds. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your experiences. God bless!

  5. I’ve never looked at 2 Corinthians 5:17 that way before. I struggle with my identity, not feeling good enough, constant comparison. You’ve definitely given me something to think about.

    • Melissa

      This is a struggle for so many people. I’m glad you found hopefully a few nuggets to think about! Thank you for stopping by and sharing your experiences. God bless!

    • Melissa

      Yes, there is a reason I am empathetic and can read the emotions of others – it has become my career. But owning my identity has been a hard process. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your insights. God bless!

  6. When I feel like I’m made strides, I’m back to the little girl who thought no one liked her. Yes, Satan likes to pawn on my insecurities and keep me captive. I’m not going to believe his lies any longer!

    • Melissa

      Amen! You are not what people have told you or called you. You are a child of God and He loves you unconditionally! God bless your journey, Julie!

  7. I firmly believe one of Satans most devious and effective tactics is separating us from those who love us and other believers. Like a predator hunting a pack of animals, he’ll pick off the one furthest from the group and run that as far as he can away from them. If you noticed when he tempted Jesus, Christ was alone. Keep doing all you need to to stay close to God.

    • Melissa

      That’s a great analogy Stephanie. I agree. When we allow ourselves to be separated for Jesus and His truth we become easy prey. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your insights. God bless!

  8. I’ve had some shadows creep in lately and I’ve been speaking truth to them when I realize what is happening. It is such a difference. Holding onto Jesus brings peace when satan is trying to shatter it.

    • Melissa

      It does make such a difference! I’m sorry to hear that shadows have been creeping in but Jesus is always the way to fight against Satan. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your experiences. God bless!

  9. Knowing our value & worth in God & through His love, is so important. It is the catalyst for standing steadfastly in Him when the enemy comes to try & convince us we have no identity, value or worth..

    I am also a professional Christian mental health worker. You are welcome to drop by & join me in a time of reflection & inspiration.

  10. I am amazed… that you not only give us TRUTHS but also address practical ways to deal with PMS which is a real issue for so many people. I am sharing this on in two groups. Keep doing what you are doing, precious sister.

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