• Melissa

      I love when God brings me more information and resources to the very thing I’ve been thinking about! Yes, peace is very much needed! Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. God bless!

    • Melissa

      Thank you Heather! I’m really loving writing it! It’s so fun digging into God’s word and having Him open our eyes to new and different understanding. Thank you for reading and commenting. God bless!

  1. I love the visual of the hob-nailed shoes. It paints a clearer picture of the traction and stability! How amazing the detail that God gives us through this image! Thanks for sharing!

    • Melissa

      I loved this image, too! To really see what Paul would have been looking at and to have the picture in my head of digging into His foundation so that I don’t loose my balance. So great! Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. God bless!

  2. “Jesus provides us peace. Even in the midst of chaos and evil. We have peace when we are fitted and ready with His good news.” I know of a missionary nurse who shared the gospel while at gunpoint. The men were shocked that she was not afraid and were greatly impacted by what she was saying. This is a good example of having your feet shod with the gospel of peace.

    • Melissa

      Thank you so much for sharing that testimony! God’s good news has a way of affecting people in the more glorious and profound ways! God bless!

  3. I’m enjoying this series of going through the Armor of God. God has given us all the tools we need to fight the devil, we just have to choose to put the armor on, don’t we?!?

    • Melissa

      Yes, we have to both realize we have God’s power available to us and then we have to choose to intentionally put it on. I’m glad you are enjoying the series, too. I’m having so much fun writing it! God bless, Julie!

  4. This is a great series! Because of Jesus we can have peace even in the midst of turmoil. May we all be ready with the gospel of peace. Blessings to you! Thanks for linking up with us at the #LMMLinkup!

    • Melissa

      Thank you Gayl! Yes, if we are focused on Jesus we can always have peace. Philippians 4:7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus!

  5. There is so much truth in this post. Being able to find the peace amidst chaos is truly a message from God. It shows that we’re comfortable where we are and trust in His plan. Thanks for sharing!

    Sydney Meek | meeklyloving.com

    • Melissa

      Yes, the importance of contentment and joy in all situations really does come only from an intimate relationship with Jesus! Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. God bless!

  6. This really struck me: Be prepared for something; prompt willingness. Active readiness. Truly that is a great reminder for shodding our feet with the Gospel of peace.

    • Melissa

      I really enjoyed that aspect, too! That we are to be at the ready so that we are surprised by Satan’s tactics. That may seem daunting to always be prepared but that’s why we also are able to have peace when rooted with Jesus! He really does provide all we need! Thank you for stopping by Amy! God bless!

    • Melissa

      It really does. And I envision the more time goes on the larger those paradoxes will be due to the state of our society and culture. The chasm between God’s original design and how the world is living life is so vast. Thank you for reading and commenting, Alice! God bless!

  7. Caligae was such a beautiful information. Thank you for bringing in different versions so it made it very much possible to understand the in-depth meaning of the fitted for readiness.

    • Melissa

      I’m so glad you found the post beneficial! I find the visuals and different translations very helpful for me personally to grasp the intricacies of Paul’s list of armor. There is so much joy in finding nuggets of information that otherwise may get read right over! Thank you for stopping by and sharing your encouragement! God bless!

  8. This is a great post! You know I just had a thought. I hear so many people say they don’t like their feet. They don’t like how their toes look. Maybe we need to change our focus and realize that our feet are beautiful when we are sharing the love and the peace of God.

    • Melissa

      🙂 That is a great perspective change! Whenever our focus is on God and sharing His love we are beautiful! Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thought! God bless!

  9. Love the image of the shoes! They have traction as the gospel should have traction in our lives. He alone is our peace.. something that’s take. A long time to realize that peace does not come from outward circumstances!

    • Melissa

      That’s is so true Aimee! So often we seek peace outwardly and fail to ever experience calm and contentment. When really we have access to peace at all times when we seek Jesus! Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. God bless!

  10. Such a great series. I think often that we forget the battle that we are in. We can stand firm because Christ reconciled us to God. Thanks for sharing!

    • Melissa

      Thank you Robbi! I agree, I think we focus on the here and now struggles and forget about the broader spiritual battle that is occurring. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. God bless!

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