1. Great article! I appreciate how you took us directly to the Word and demonstrated how the worldy wisdom of 50/50 falls short. Stopping by today from the By His Grace Girls facebook group. 🙂
    Jen @ Being Confident of This

    • melissa

      Be in the world not of it right? There are so many worldly “truths” that fall so desperately far from God’s design for us. Thank you for stopping by. God Bless

  2. OH what truth you share here! I love your insights and wisdom you shared, based on God’s view of love. 50/50 doesn’t work because LOVE and marriage can’t be based on performance. Thank you for this. I’ll be sharing this on my page. 🙂

    • melissa

      There is such a difference in marriage when the focus is God and trying to give your love to your spouse rather than just trying to receive love. I’m glad you liked the post. Thank you for stopping by and sharing! God Bless

  3. Yes! Yes! Yes! I absolutely agree! It’s so important to give our all to the gift God gave us. Our model is Jesus. Striving to live and love like Jesus, seeking God with our whole hearts, humbling and forgiving is the only way to create a successful marriage. Filling in the gaps for each other and allowing God to fill in all the gaps. 50/50 shouldn’t be a term in marriage. 100/100; we give it our all, for the glory of God.

    • melissa

      So true! Yes, we are supposed to fill the gaps for each other not out of obligation or begrudgingly but because that is how Jesus loves us! Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts and insights. God bless!

  4. I think the hardest aspect of this for me is the money-making aspect. It’s hard not to feel guilty that my husband makes our money and provides financially for us. So it’s difficult to not think of it as “his” money that he gives me.

    • melissa

      That can be hard but it’s about how you both help, care, and provide for each other and the family as a whole. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and perspectives! God bless!

  5. You’re right. It can’t be 50/50, it has to be 100/100! It is so easy to fall into keeping a record of wrongs, and you’re totally right, that is when I am thinking 50/50 – like he owes me something. Thanks for this.

    • melissa

      Yes, the keeping track of wrongs can lead marriages down a sad path. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. God bless!

  6. Very insightful, I myself had a failed marriage a couple of years back; I learned a lot of the lessons you have shared in this post. Marriages need to be 100/100! 💕

    • melissa

      I’m sorry to hear about your marriage. It is a sad situation for many people. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your experience. God bless your journey!

  7. So much truth! It reminds me that when we get married, we are one. So, therefore, it takes two people giving 100% in order to make a whole. You have to be a team and communication is key!

    • melissa

      Yes, I think too often people believe they each only have to give 50 so that together it makes 100. But then if one person doesn’t bring their 50 then the marriage is less than 100%. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. God bless!

    • melissa

      It definitely becomes more stressful. Whether chosen or fallen into, the focus seems to be in an attempt to be easier and more efficient for each individual. But as soon as a marriage starts focusing on themselves it’s going to falter. Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts. God bless!

    • melissa

      Thank you Chelsea! Yes, this 50/50 approach often leads to divorce because the focus is very “me” centered. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts and encouragement. God bless!

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