• melissa

      This is a continual process of swallowing pride and humbling ourselves daily. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. God bless!

    • melissa

      It is amazing how powerful it is for both the people receiving our message as well as for us. Vulnerability is very hard! Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. God bless!

  1. This is so true! Even in parenting, when I am discussing an issue with one of my kids, I think to myself, it’s not like I have it all together either! But we can’t let our imperfections keep us from the ministry we have. What we lack will cause us to lean into the Lord, make us real and relatable, and allow God to get the glory!

    • melissa

      Exactly. And my pointing out better ways for others to live their life isn’t from a place of me believing I’m perfect but rather with a desire for them to live a more Christ-like life. It is out of love. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. God bless!

    • melissa

      Absolutely! I’m excited to see where He takes me and all the ways I can grow to help glorify Him! Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts. God bless!

  2. “A tragic day would be if I believed I had it all together. Because I would no longer feel the need to lean into God.” The fact that we are a work in progress helps us to abide in Christ!

    • melissa

      Absolutely! Sometimes it can be hard to remember to get over ourselves so that we can seek God’s path for us! Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. God bless!

  3. The struggle is REAL and I am sure many readers can relate! The WISDOM you shared is true and real, and bigger than our insecurities or weaknesses! With our eyes on Him and our faith IN Him, we shall conquer………and we will keep striving, and trying, and reminding each other….. Hugs precious sister!

    • melissa

      Yes, because it is only through Him and in Him are we able to truly help others. Thank you Tammy for your encouragement. God bless!

  4. Melissa- I never thought about this from your point of view. Gosh, what an eye-opener to you having to help others when you might struggle with some of the same issues.
    I know that as a therapist you need to walk the line between sharing too much personal information, but as a client, knowing I wasn’t the only one dealing with anxiety would have made such an imprint.
    Spending time with therapists in the past, I felt like a freak of nature sometimes 😉

    • melissa

      It’s definitely a balance and depends significantly on my clients. Some clients I’m more willing to share and be open with. Others I have to be much more guarded with my private life and details about my family. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your experience. God bless!

    • melissa

      Yes, with every new aspect I have received growth there is always another that needs to be addressed afterward. It definitely keeps me humble and reliant on God! Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. God bless!

  5. I have to be honest: this puts things in perspective for me. Just when I think that I’m the one who has it worst because I have to hold it together for my family, homeschooling, my job, etc. then I’m reminded that there are people like you that have to do all of that and then help people like me 😂

    • melissa

      Ha! I am happy that I get to help as many people as God walks through my office door. And, yes, it is also incredibly tough at times. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. God bless!

  6. Thank you for sharing this! It’s hard sometimes when we feel like we have to have it all together in order to help others. You’re not a fraud or a hypocrite – you’re human, like the rest of us. Jesus never told us to get it right before we come to Him – we can’t get it right without Him! We will always be WIP’s, but we are His workmanship at the same time…He’s constantly working in and through us, and using our weaknesses, failures, and rough days to show us His strength and refine us.

    • melissa

      Thank you Tiff for your kind words and great insights. It is important that we all embrace the work in progress status! Thank you for stopping by and taking the time to comment. God bless!

  7. Oh Melissa! You are definitely not alone! I think we all feel like “hypocrites” at times… I do more often than not. When I write on the blog, most of my posts are lessons I need to learn. I feel like I come to great truths about what to do, and what the Bible says. However, I have such a time not feeling like because I wrote it, I should have mastered it. Thank you for reminding me that our work in progress is to show the goodness of God. He loves me through my construction zones. <3 Also, Matthew 5:16 is one of my favorites!

    • melissa

      There are certain topics that I work with clients on that can I also struggle with at times so it can be hard. I will share that with some clients but others it wouldn’t be appropriate. Thankfully God continues to mold me! It’s always amazing to be able to look back over time the grace and blessings God has provided and the growth He has produced in us. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your experience and insights. God bless!

  8. Beautifully written. I am a licensed counselor (since 2001) but I haven’t worked since 2002 because of having children. I intend to go back once my four kids are raised (I homeschool), but I realized that I am actually a bit afraid of going back. I used to be much more confident (read: naive), but life has humbled me so much and I have learned how little I really know and I fear I will not be able to do the job well. But you are right that being real with others about your struggles is probably the best way to help. Blessings to you.

    • melissa

      Thank you Heather. It’s certainly a balance. I make sure that I’m up to date on therapy practices and continued education. I seek God’s counsel. I rely on my 8+ years of experience. And I share my struggles (with some of my clients). Everything is a balance. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your experience. God bless!

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