1. This sounds amazing! I’m always looking for devotionals that are more than 5 minutes each day because I tend to not take them seriously when they take up so little time. I’ll have to look into this one! Thanks!

    • melissa

      It really is great. Thorough and detail oriented. You can feels Sarah’s passion for God’s word through her daily email. I hope you enjoy it! God bless!

    • melissa

      It really is a great bible study! I hope you enjoy it and find your relationship with God deepen! Thank you for reading and commenting! God bless!

  2. Thanks for sharing. I am not familiar with Sarah, so I will have to check her site out 🙂 Isn’t it so cool to find new hidden truths everytime you study a passage? God is like that – multi-faceted, layer upon layer. So good!

    • melissa

      Sarah write with passion and knowledge of God’s love! It is cool indeed to continue to keep learning, growing, and developing in our relationship and knowledge of God! Thank you for reading and commenting! I hope you enjoy the bible study if you sign up! God bless!

  3. I am also part of this launch team 🙂 Sarah has a real gift for uncovering the gold in her studies!
    I signed up for the real study because I enjoy her writing so much!

    • melissa

      I did, too! I wanted to get to experience day by day at the same time it is available to everyone else. I hope you find more little nuggets in the next 31-days! God bless!

  4. Melissa, this. This is why I wrote the study. This is why I’m giving it away for free. This is why….everything!

    God’s Word changes us, but in order for us to be changed by it, we’ve really got to dive beneath the surface.

    We’ve got to be open to learning what He has to teach us and willing to do the hard work of reprogramming our thinking to align with His truth.

    Thank you for supporting the launch of this study, but more than that, thank you for taking full advantage of this opportunity to draw nearer to God, to see yourself more clearly, to allow His beautiful truth to transform your heart.

    Keep blogging, sweetie! You’ve got so much insight to share. So much hope to offer. It’s a long and lonely road sometimes. Please know, I’m always here if you need a shoulder to cry on (or a high five from someone who gets it). Hugs!

    • melissa

      Thank you, Sarah! You’re right, it is so much about reprogramming our thoughts from the faulty truths of our past wounds to God’s truth that never changes. This study has been such a blessing and I’m so honored to have to get to be a part of the launch! God bless!

    • melissa

      It really is such a great study and opportunity to deepen your relationship with God! I would highly recommend taking advantage of the study. Thank you for reading and commenting! God bless!

  5. Don’t you love it when you find something that takes you deeper than you were before. I can’t tell you how many times I expected littl it nothing from a study and then ingot a lot out out of it.

    • melissa

      I find that happening with writing posts as well. I come up with topics that I think would be helpful to others and find myself growing in ways I hadn’t expected along the way! Thank you for reading and commenting! God bless!

    • melissa

      It really is a great study! I love that it doesn’t take long but at the same time has some amazing insights to help you grow in your understanding and faith. Thank you for reading and commenting! God bless!

  6. Melissa, I completely agree with you, I love how the study felt so applicable to my life today. Sarah created Worthy of the Calling in a way I could relate to, and I know this is why I received so much from reading Ephesians through the lens of this study.

    • melissa

      It is a joy to be a part of something that is can be so powerful for people’s pursuit to know and understand God’s love better! Thank you for reading and commenting! God bless!

  7. Hey Girlfriend! I was so happy to be linked up next to you on the #rara linkup! That’s because I’m on Sarah’s launch team, too! Woot! Woot! I love the explanation you’ve given about the entire premise of her study. What a blessing you are the her launch. You’re a sweet, sweet sister and I pray that the Lord blesses you in your blogging journey.

    • melissa

      Thank you for such kind words! This blogging journey is certainly a step out in faith! Thank you for reading and again for you loving words. God bless!

  8. Melissa, Isn’t it overwhelming to be called a daughter of the Most High? I’m glad that you are my sister and so willing to let the Lord mold you into what He has planned for you. He has works for you that He created before the foundation of the world, and they are beyond what you could imagine. I look forward to watching you flourish in the Lord. Karen

    • melissa

      Being molded by our Lord is a continual process! I’m always amazed at how He helps me heal old wounds and then brings to light other areas of my life that I may not have recognized needed attention. His love is indeed overwhelming! Thank you for reading and commenting! God bless!

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