• melissa

      Thank you Holly! I love Thanksgiving but too often the focus gets shifted away from where it should be. Thank you for reading and commenting! God bless!

  1. This is just an adorable reminder for all of us about the true meaning of “Thanksgiving.” This world has tried so very hard to remove the true meaning of most holidays. That is why we have to do the best that we can to stay focused on God and what he intends on us to remember about these wonderful holidays that we celebrate 🙂 Be blessed!

  2. It is so easy to miss the joy of the season as a mother, concerned with all the details of the holiday. I try to make the whole thing a family event. My daughters helped plan everything and were totally in charge of some part. They took a lot of pleasure in this.

    • melissa

      I look forward to that as my children get older. I have a few art projects for them to help me with! Thank you for reading and commenting! God bless!

  3. What a wonderful reminder for me. I live 16 hours away from my family, so we spend the holidays with my husband’s family. I have been complaining that their food isn’t as good and the traditions aren’t the same, but it’s not about the food. It’s about being with family who we love, and showing our appreciation for them!

    • melissa

      I’m glad the post was beneficial for you. We can get caught up in the details and miss the real reason we celebrate. Thank you for reading and commenting! Happy Thanksgiving! God bless!

  4. I love A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving. We watch it almost every year with my kids. We must focus on the giving of thanks and not on all the material things surrounding the holiday.

    • melissa

      It’s such a cute movie with a big message! I love making it a part of our Thanksgiving tradition. It helps the kids (and us) to focus on the real reasons for us to be thankful. Thank you for reading and commenting! God bless!

    • melissa

      Amen! Because no matter the individual or life circumstance, God has done immense and incredible things in their life. Thank you for reading and commenting! God bless!

    • melissa

      It is very easy! I’m a to-do list kind of lady but I’m trying my best to remain grounded and remember who has given me the wonders in my life. Thank you for reading and commenting! God bless!

  5. Thank you, Melissa, for this fine reminder of why we gather and what the celebration is truly about. My husband and I have no children. We live far from family. Yet we so love the Thanksgivings when we are just us and sharing God’s generosity and glorifying Him in peace. We have been to family’s and had our family to our home. We have shared the day with neighbors who also have no children (but we have moved away from that area recently). Those days were special for us too. Each Thanksgiving is about the Gift for us. We want to keep the thankfulness and giving as the most important aspect of the day. Thanks for coming by to Being Woven for I found you.
    Caring through Christ, ~ linda

    • melissa

      I’m so glad Linda that you and your husband are able to take the day to glorify God and His generosity. It’s not about the number of people that gather but the focus and love in their heart. Thank you for reading and commenting! God bless!

  6. Our family loves the Peanuts Thanksgiving movie:)
    In the past, I’ve been wrapped up in making everything perfect and it was exhausting! Last year we stayed home and it was just the 7 of us and it was the most meaningful Holiday. We made it about family and relaxing in the blessings of the day!

    • melissa

      That sounds wonderful! We will be visiting family throughout the weekend but I’m going to make it my focus to enjoy the each gathering and be grateful for time spent together! Thank you for reading and commenting! God bless!

  7. Keeping an attitude of gratitude is certainly a challenge as we add more and more to-do items to our Thanksgiving Day celebrations. This year, we are going back to simplifying the day, to focus on thankfulness for our Lord, our country, our family, and our friends.

  8. Charlie Brown is so cute! We watched Charlie Brown and New Year’s something tonight.

    But yes, as far as Thanksgiving goes, it’s important to consider if we are willing to give up what we have to truly worship God.

    • melissa

      And it is a powerful question that we must ask ourselves. Are we willing to allow _______ to get in the way of our relationship with God? To hinder us from truly knowing and experiencing Him? Thank you for reading and commenting! God bless!

  9. You share such great points here! Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays, but you are right. It so easily becomes crowded with all the STUFF. (I won’t make a list, because you already did that!) Our children are still quite small, so we have been talking about new traditions that will help to enforce our values and faith in their young hearts and lives. Your post encourages me that there are others who feel the same pull to give our holiday time to the One to Whom all thanks belongs.

    • melissa

      I love the ability to create new traditions to help guide, shape, and mold our little ones so that they can be better equipped to answer God’s call for them later in life. It is humbling and an honor that God entrusts that task to us isn’t it?! Thank you for reading and commenting! God bless!

  10. I don’t celebrate Thanksgiving but I have always thought that food in most festivities cause so many of us to forget the real meaning of the celebration. God bless you for this.

    • melissa

      Thank you Jackie! Food does have a tendency to become too much of a focus in most holidays. We take too much time planning, prepping, preparing, and eating! The central focus of each of our holidays should be on God and then family. Everything else is just extras! Thank you for reading and commenting! God bless!

  11. What a great addition to Literacy Musing Mondays this past week! I often overlook my freedom to praise God as I wish. I need to do it more than what I do.

    • melissa

      Thank you Tami. It is a beautiful gift that we are able to freely praise and worship God in any manner we see fit because of the blood, sweat, and tears of so many before us. Thank you for stopping by and commenting! God bless!

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