• Melissa

      It is such a powerful weapon! And you’re right, prayer is another offensive weapon – that’s the next verse of the passage that I’ll dive into in the next post! Thank you for stopping by Susan. God bless!

  1. Love this! Sometimes it’s hard to distinguish Satan’s lies but equipping yourself with the Word it is a lot easier to distinguish who’s talking AND using the scripture to make the devil realize he has no place in our hearts.

    • Melissa

      It can be hard to distinguish Satan’s lies but, you’re right, that’s why it’s so important to familiarize yourself with scripture. That way you can know if what you are hearing goes against God’s view and love for you. And I thoroughly enjoy the thought of making Satan high-tail it! Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. God bless!

  2. What a great explanation here, Melissa! The Holy Spirit was one of the Trinity not talked about in the churches I grew up in. What a power to have and to know is within us!

    • Melissa

      Many of the past churches I have attended don’t do the Holy Spirit justice either. I really found the book I referenced in the article, Forgotten God, to be a great read and resource! Thank you for stopping by Julie. God bless!

  3. I was so eager for this one! All the defensive pieces then.. WHAM… the sword! My favorite part of the armor…it’s God breathed! How we fight against the evil schemes of the devil! We have all the answers against his attacks!! <3

    • Melissa

      It is our most offensive piece of armor and yet I think reading and memorizing God’s word can take a backseat. It is so important for us to remember and immerse ourselves in! Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. God bless!

  4. I love the imagery of the Sword of the Spirit! So powerful! Thank you for breaking this verse down and giving so much food for thought.

  5. I love that the sword of the spirit is offensive and defensive. You can use it to attack, or to block. There is nothing it can’t do. And the more familiar you get with it, the better you become at wielding it.

    • Melissa

      So true Heather! I love that the more familiar we are with scripture the more clarity and wisdom we receive. What once may have been a confusing passage may now speak life. It is when we are in a place to receive it, that it will come alive for us. And then it becomes powerful for us! Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. God bless Heather!


    Thank you Melissa. Knowing each of these is a powerful way to fight against the evil schemes of the devil. Satan looks for even the tiniest crack in our souls and he gets in to cause is all kinds of grief. Commiting these lessons, studying them and memorizing will help us fight ol’ horn head. Bless you and again, thank you so much. I love following your lessons.

    • Melissa

      Thank you so much for your kind words Sherry! Yes, we need to be committed, diligent, and knowledgeable in all the ways God has laid out for us to fight against evil. Thank you so much for stopping by and following the blog. God bless!

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