1. I’ve had to force myself to be a morning person, but the hour or so I get of peace in the morning before the hubby and kiddos wake up is well worth it. Just me, my coffee, my bible, and my Daddy. Glorious!

    • melissa

      It is such an amazing time and it really just helps me set the tone for the rest of my day! Thank you for reading and commenting! God Bless!

  2. I used to be much better at getting up and spending that time with God, but life has changed, so now, when I have days off, and I end up going to a coffee shop to write or staying home to do chores, I try to also spend time with Him. Often I will journal and read the Bible, or I will put on some of my favorite music and dance around lifting my hands in praise to Him. Obviously, I don’t have children living at home any more and my husband is off at work, so I am able to find these times and be a bit more uninhibited. I love all of those verses and have memorized the Matthew 11 one and the Philippians 4 one, as well as working on a few of the others. Thanks for sharing your insights and the scriptures. – Amy

    • melissa

      I put worship music on and dance around with my children and husband present! I’m glad that you take time to spend with our Heavenly Father! It truly is a time of peace and joy! Thank you for reading and commenting! God Bless!

  3. John 14:27! Peace that passes all understanding! Only heavenly peace can calm our spirits! All of these scriptures are so appropriate for recent events! It’s hard to not become weary and heavy through tragedy, but the Lord is in control of all. Only He can ease our minds, hearts and souls! Thank you for sharing these!

    • melissa

      It’s easy to see tragedy when it has been large scale events like hurricane Harvey and Irma and obviously most recently the shooting in Las Vegas. But it’s also important to acknowledge that we need peace to settle our hearts with everyday issues and distress as well! Thank you for reading and commenting! God Bless!

  4. I am not a “natural” morning person, but I LOVE my morning quiet time with God. I know that if I get my Scripture reading done first thing in the morning then I have set a foundation of Faith for my day.

    • melissa

      So true! Without my morning time in the word I feel like I’m drifting throughout the day. Thank you for reading and commenting! God Bless!

  5. First I find your waking up hours fascinating because of the specifity and I envy that. Thank you for this; there are so many chaos currently in my life and this will help me find peace.

  6. Great collection of verses on peace! I am not a morning person, but as soon as the kids leave for school and the house is quiet, that’s my time with God.

    • melissa

      Truthfully I’m not much of a morning person either but I have made myself become one because that is the only time in the day that I would get peaceful time with God! Thank you for reading and commenting! God Bless!

  7. After working myself sick and depleting my devotional time, I appreciate the encouragement to rest and the verses that remind me that time away to be with God is not wasted; it refreshes me. Thank you!

    • melissa

      I hope that you are feeling better and taking time to find peace and rest for yourself and with God. Thank you for reading and commenting! God Bless!

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