1. It can be difficult to remember this, but it’s so important to love and forgive not only because Jesus commands us to, but because we’ll live much healthier lives when we do!

    • melissa

      Absolutely Emily! When we are stuck in a place of bitterness, resentment, and anger towards others we are negatively effecting our own outlook towards life as well as all of the health concerns related to stress. We also miss out on the beauty and blessing around us. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. God bless!

  2. It is hard to love the unlovable. But when we really think about it, we’re an unlovable also. We should be thankful for God’s love and mercy when we don’t deserve it. Because of His love and mercy, we should be willing to love and give mercy to others. Great post, Melissa.

    • melissa

      That is such a great perspective Lori and so true. We are unlovable and only made so through the sacrifice of Christ Jesus! Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts and insights. God bless!

  3. This is certainly hard, Melissa, especially when it’s family members. If it’s an acquaintance, we can make new friends but with family, it’s harder. Lots of praying and asking God to soften my heart towards these loved ones!

    • melissa

      It is harder with family members. There is more emotion involved and that clouds our judgment and obedience to God. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. God bless your holidays and time with family members.

  4. I have a particular person right now who is causing a lot of problems for me. It is easy to want to dismiss her or write her off, but when I remember that God loves her as much as He loves me it changes my attitude. Great bible verses. Thank you!!

    • melissa

      That is such a great reminder. The people we struggle with are loved by God just as much as us! Thank you for stopping by and sharing. God bless your journey!

  5. I just encountered this weekend someone that was not making it very easy for me to love them like Jesus loves, but I had to forgive their behavior and move on. Love is tough to show at times when people make it difficult. We just have to push forward, forgive them and love them anyway. I love the scriptures you posted as well!

    • melissa

      So true because loving others isn’t ultimately about them but about our love for God and pouring it out onto everyone around us not matter who they are. Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts. God bless!

  6. Romans 15:1-2 really touches me. I know in my heart what is right, but sometimes the hurt wins. It takes over and makes me ugly. Even though someone has hurt me, I can move forward in love because my Savior has done the same for me. Thank you for such convicting, yet encouraging scripture!

    • melissa

      Those verses get me, too. They cut through our pride and selfishness and remind us that we are to do onto others. It can be so tough sometimes if we rely on our own abilities. Thankfully we have the love and strength of Christ to pour out love onto others. Thank you for stopping and sharing your thoughts. God bless!

  7. I tell my kids often, and myself, that it is ok to be upset, but it’s not ok to act inappropriately with that anger. Pray about it. Let God deal with my heart and theirs but we can’t allow ourselves to seek vengeance. We must seek forgiveness.

    • melissa

      Yes, we must seek forgiveness. Vengeance hurts us, the other person, and the kingdom of God. Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts. God bless!

  8. It has been so difficult to live by these principles. But, I am so happy to have God to lean on when I fall short on forgiving those that have hurt me. I needed to hear these words. I am so happy that you were lead to writing this post thank you for reminding me that all of my actions need to be biblical no matter what I may encounter.

    • melissa

      Teliah, I’m so glad you found this post and that you found it beneficial. Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts and experiences. God bless!

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