1. This breaks my heart. At some point along the way, being a Christian and being a follower of Christ became two separate things. We decided that “Christian” was a label we wear not something that defined who we were at our core. It no longer holds the same meaning as mother or wife, but instead is more like a magazine we can subscribe to but never read.

    My church family is one of the biggest blessings God has given me, and I honestly can’t imagine my life right now without them.

    • melissa

      It is sad. To know that only 31% of our country attends church at least once a month. It then becomes more clear why our society is struggling the way that it is in so many areas. We’ve lost our core. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your insights. God bless!

  2. I love my church. But I understand that sometimes people shy away from attending a church or committing because they have been extremely hurt in the past. Whenever I encounter this, its hard to always know how to navigate and begin a conversation that won’t be shut down. Christians are not perfect people and somehow the enemy points to us (and our mistakes) as the reason people shouldn’t go to church. When it all should be about pointing to God Himself. That is what broke through to me and started me searching for a church home. 🙂

    • melissa

      Such a great reminder Donna! Everything should be pointing to God Himself! Yes! Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts and experiences. God bless!

  3. “We add to the church what we bring into it.” We are the church, and we must use our spiritual gifts interacting with other believers in order to grow. It’s not just the teaching that is important.

    • melissa

      So true. We each have different gift to expand God’s kingdom! Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts. God bless!

  4. We have to first recognize that the “church” is not the four walls in which we gather together. As the body, we are the Church. It is very important however to join together with like-minded people for corporate worship, unity, the word and assembling together to use the gifts that God has given us. I believe the devil deceives so many into thinking that they do not need to gather with others at a church. Which is dead wrong in my eyes. Some find so much wrong with the church because they want things the way they think they should be…

    • melissa

      I agree Keisha! “I believe the devil deceives so many into thinking that they do not need to gather with others at a church.” I think this get played out through the devil’s use of our own selfishness! Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts. God bless!

  5. I think it’s so important to find a church that you feel comfortable with. A place where you feel challenged in your faith and find fellowship with other Christians.

    • melissa

      That balance is so important, right?! I want a church where I feel comfortable with the people but I want the sermon to make me uncomfortable at times. I want it to unsettle me and show me how to live for God and not for myself. To challenge me to go further in my understanding of God! I have high expectations! 😉 Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. God bless!

  6. Of those practicing Christians, I wonder how many are deeply committed to Jesus. I can’t help but remember when Jesus asked if when He returns, would He find faith on the earth. The hardest part about moving so much is how hard it can be to get involved in a church.

    • melissa

      Sadly, I’m sure it is much less than 31% who view themselves as deeply committed to Jesus. Moving and church shopping is not a very enjoyable task. Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts. God bless!

  7. Praying for our local church family must be a part and parcel of our lives. We learn to love sacrificially when we see our own set of people hurt and offend us. This comes the most from being involved in church. Truth was pointed out well. Bless you!

    • melissa

      Yes, praying for our church family is important as they should be an integral part of our lives! Thank you for stopping by and commenting. God bless!

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