1. What a beautiful article. I loved where you say, “That doesn’t mean there won’t be struggles and suffering in our life. But it means our character won’t be the cause of our pain or someone else’s pain.” It really made me think. Too often we are lead to believe that we are promised the golden ticket to a life without heartache when we come to Christ. But there is suffering and pain sometimes. Thank you for putting it so beautifully.

    • melissa

      If we only had joy we wouldn’t get the honor of knowing God as the great healer and comforter that He is! I’m glad the article touched you! God Bless!

    • melissa

      I’m so glad you like the post! I think we all need to focus more on the fruits of the spirit! Thank you for reading and commenting! God Bless!

  2. Since they are fruit and not fruits, we can work on one and have them all – all to bless others and be blessed all at once! To be filled means I need an emptying on my part.

  3. What a beautiful article! I love how you used the word “practice” there for implying that we CHOOSE, which we really do !! I really appreciated your insight that we “meet someone where they are,” even when applying the FRUITS OF THE SPIRIT. Thank you for this Melissa! I pinned it on my Christian Living board.

    • melissa

      Thank you, Tammy for you kind and encouraging words. Your comments are always like a loving hug! Thank you for reading and commenting! God bless!

    • melissa

      Thank you Emily! I’m glad you found it beneficial. Yes, we definitely cannot make excuses in an attempt to get away with behavior less than good. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. God bless!

    • melissa

      It is nice to have multiple perspectives. I love when I read different posts and articles about the same topic to pick up all the different tidbits. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. God bless!

  4. Wonderful way of describing the Fruits of the Spirit and breaking each down to a clearer understanding. Thank you for the attached printable can’t wait to fill it out!

    • melissa

      I’m glad you found the post beneficial! I hope the printable brings growth in whatever fashion God leads you to focus on. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. God bless!

  5. Love this! Seems like the fruit of the Spirit is on my radar lately, God must be telling me something!
    I know I need to grow all those fruits(with help of the Holy Spirit) 🙂

    • melissa

      I’m pretty sure each of us needs to focus greater attention on at least a couple! I’m glad you enjoyed the post. Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts. God bless!

    • melissa

      Thank you Alice, that’s incredibly kind of you to say. Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts. God bless!

  6. We studied the fruit of the spirit a few years back in my Bible study and one of my biggest take-a-ways was how each fruit flows into one another. You can’t have kindness without goodness. Patience without self-control. Gentleness without love.

    • Melissa

      That is such a great point. They do all build off of each other. Thank you for stopping by and sharing this insight. God bless!

    • melissa

      It does absolutely teach the exact opposite. Which is one of the reasons why our divorce rate is so high. It’s truly sad. Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts. God bless!

  7. I must say, it has been a while since I have really focused on the Fruits of the Spirit. I feel convicted to work on a couple of these. Showing joy with my family, portraying gentleness to my husband. Thank you for reminding me how important it is to embody these fruits. In them, we can live holy lives for our Lord! <3

    • melissa

      I’m glad the post convicted you to focus on some of these characteristics. I’m fairly certain each of us could benefit for a bit extra attention to these areas! Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. God bless!

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