1. This is great Melissa, you have said it all. I thank God for the internet, right inside my room in a far away country from you ,I have the privilege to read encouraging post such as this. May God increase your ministry for His own glory.
    God bless

    • Melissa

      Thank you Sarah for your beautifully kind words! My prayer is indeed to glorify God in all that I do. Many prayers and blessings to you!

    • Melissa

      So very true Susan! God’s love for us and who He tells us we are never changes or alters. That’s such a beautiful relief! Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. God bless!

    • Melissa

      Yes! Very true. That is the number one lie I hear from all of my female clients – not feeling enough. Thank you for providing your insights. God bless!

  2. Melissa, as long as we walk in this weakened flesh we will battle those lies. I appreciate your honesty, because I would never have thought that you struggle with the “Am I enough,” issue. I have struggled with that all my life, but God has shown me that His truth is of utmost important when combatting the lies of the enemy. I know that I will continue to struggle, but I will keep turning to Him and His truth and in that lies will disappear. Thanks for posting! – Amy- http://stylingrannymama.com/

    • Melissa

      And all that really matters is that we continue to keep coming back to Him and His truth! God knows that we will continue to have struggles buy He is unwavering! Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. God bless!

  3. Lies do keep us from being who God wants us to be or even keeping us bound tight in life.
    It’s amazing when we speak God’s truth into these lies how they fall and we break free!

    • Melissa

      It is so amazing! He always helps us to break free when our focus is on Him and His word. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Julie! God bless!

  4. There is no topic on earth not addressed in the bible. Because God knew and knows all that we are going through. This speaks volumes to me and a need to read. Thank you for visiting Sunday Scripture Blessings. I had been thinking of abandoning my Sunday link up because of exactly what your topic is. I sometimes feel why am I sharing a Sunday Scripture when I don’t measure up, but you say it exactly. That is a lie from satan (not capitalized on purpose 🙂 ) I agree with the other lady, when I saw your visit. I am so amazed to being visited on my blog by one who is helpful to all. Your words were needed to read. Thank you. Sometimes I don’t like the internet, but then it is such a great place to meet and interact with others.

    Peabea from Peabea Scribbles

    • Melissa

      I’m glad the post touched you and helped to give you perspective – You are important! God gave you your words and thoughts – only you can share them in the way He designed for you to! Don’t believe the lies of evil. Many blessings to you!

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