Change is Necessary for Growth
It’s often said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. While that is not the actual definition of insanity, it does make a good point.
I often work with individuals who describe wanting to change an aspect of their life. But when we start talking about necessary goals, action steps, tools, etc. I start to see hesitancy. Why?
Because change is hard!
It requires behaving, thinking, and even feeling differently than what you have been doing.
[ctt template=”9″ link=”wYf07″ via=”no” ]Growth requires change. And change requires behaving, thinking, and even feeling differently than what you have been doing. [/ctt]
And that’s hard but certainly not impossible.
You are capable of growth
Change often doesn’t happen overnight. It’s a process that requires intentional thought and established goals.
In meeting with clients I discuss with them our treatment goals. What are they wanting to get out of therapy? We set goals and break them down into smaller objectives. As time progresses we look back at the goals to see if we are achieving them. And then either reevaluate why change hasn’t been happening, look to add the next goal, or start to discuss no longer needing therapy.
In setting goals with my clients, I use S.M.A.R.T. goals.
Specific – break down the goal to one simple area of change. (who, what, when, where, and/or how)
Measurable – make sure you have the ability to show or test that change has taken place.
Achievable – the goal will challenge you but still needs to be capable of attaining.
Relevant – ensure the specific goal is going to help you in your overall growth process.
Timely – set the goal for enough time so that change and growth can take place but not too much time that motivation becomes stagnant.
This process will work in any and all areas of your life if you continue to set these types of goals and then do what is necessary to be successful for that goal.
Ephesians 4:22-24 (NIV)
You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.
You are worthy of growth
Don’t let things from your past stop you from seeking growth.
I’ve worked with clients who didn’t think they deserved to be out from under whatever poor choice or decision they once made.
Their own guilt and shame was stopping them from making the next steps. The goals were appropriate. The abilities were there. But they would continue to sabotage growth because they didn’t believe they were worthy of receiving it.
Friends, God wants us to flourish! He wants us to continue to better ourselves in all areas of our lives. For His glory!
Romans 6:4 (NIV)
We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.
- Relationship with God
- Connection with your spouse
- Increased self-esteem and self-worth
- Interactions with your friends
- Patience as a parent
- Involvement in your community
- Career advancement
If you have tried to change these areas in the past why didn’t it work? Were your goals too loft? Did you set goals?
Or more importantly.
Have you asked for forgiveness from past decisions and choices? Are you holding yourself back because of guilt and shame?
Philippians 4:13 (NASB)
I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.
You can take the next steps! Challenge yourself to seek change so you can achieve growth!
Here’s a printable to get you started on setting your goals.

I really, really don’t like change. But I need this reminder. Who was it that said insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results? I’ve been stuck in a rut and it’s time to get out.
The quote is credited to be by Albert Einstein but it’s not for sure. Change is hard! I hope this post gives you the motivation and tools to get out of the rut! Thank you for stopping by and commenting! God bless!
Oh yes, change can be so hard but we can’t avoid it if we want to see improvement in our lives. Thanks for not only showing how desirable change is but outlining how we can attain it in this post.
It is my pleasure to help others in whatever way I can so that they can live their life closer God’s desires for them! Thank you for stopping by and commenting! God bless!
It’s true; in order to break former patterns of behavior or thinking, we have to consciously break out and volitionally choose something different.
It absolutely has to be intentional and conscious. But then it’s amazing the growth that can take place! Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. God bless!
I don’t like change either, it’s so hard! I know change is beneficial but get tired and lazy! The printable is great, I printed it out:)
Change is not easy! I’m glad you like the printable! Thank you for stopping by and commenting! God bless!
Wow! We are on similar wavelengths! Change is indeed necessary and growth will come from it!
Great minds, right?! Sometimes focusing on the ‘why’ pertaining to the desire for growth can help encourage and motivate the change. Thank you for stopping by and commenting! God bless!
“Don’t let things from your past stop you from seeking growth.” I think this is the one that hits home the most. I have often times felt unworthy of growth, but we all know where this stems from. Satan has a way of whispering in our ears. God says He has redeemed, thus, I need to live in this truth. My redemption allows me to grow into the woman I was created to be! <3 Thank you for sharing! I always feel encouraged when I read!
That point was written from experience, too. I’ve experience Satan whispering in my ear and trying to sway me with the lies that I’m not good enough or worthy enough of God’s love. Thankfully the closer I get to God the easier it is to shut out Satan. Thank you for stopping by and commenting! God bless!
Good advice! Change can be hard but it is necessary if we want different results. Breaking it down into concrete steps is helpful. Your neighbor at LMM.
Thank you Lesley. Sometimes if we don’t take the time to actively map out goals it can be too easy to let them slip and then growth doesn’t happen. Thank you for stopping by and commenting! God bless!
Change is not only necessary, it is constant. The question is, will you control the change or allow the change to control you?
Very true Kathryn. There are aspects of our life that are constantly shifting and changing. There are then also aspects of our lives that we wish we could change and move on or grow in but we have to choose to make those intentional choices and stick to them. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. God bless!
What wonderful, inspiring encouragement to embrace the challenge, in pursuit of the change that brings IMPROVEMENT !! Thank you for another amazing post!!!
Thank you Tammy! Change doesn’t have to be drudgery when it’s broken down into smaller more manageable pieces and we feel like we are succeeding towards our goals. Then it become exciting and positive! Thank you as always for you kind words! God bless!
Letting go of the past is sometimes so difficult but one of the most important things I’ve noticed helps me meet my future goals.
Absolutely. If we remain stuck in our old patterns of behavior or thinking it is hard to move forward. Thank you for stopping by and sharing. God bless!
Wow! I liked your statement that says you are worthy of Growth and growing as a Christian requires changing of mindset i.e renewal of your mind. Romans 12: 2
Romans 12:2 struck me too when I was writing this. Change is not just behavior or doing something different but actually altering our mind on how we think about things. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. God bless!
But change is so hard! This speaks to me a great need for change right now. What a wonderful addition to Literacy Musing Mondays!
Change is hard, uncomfortable and unsettling which is why is spurs growth. I’m glad that the post spoke to you. Thank you for stopping by and sharing. God bless your journey!
I set goals with my clients almost every day and have forgotten all about SMART goals. I will be implementing SMART goals into my assessments with my clients tomorrow.
I’m glad you found the post beneficial Shawneequa. The SMART goals really are beneficial and easy to implement. Thank you for stopping by and commenting! God bless!