• melissa

      Thank you, Jen. It is important for boundaries to be discussed and followed for marriages to remain solid and for spouses to trust each other. Thank you for reading and sharing! God bless!

  1. This is important, Melissa! I think that when we love our spouse too, we don’t want to show them in a negative light so we keep our lips zipped on certain things. It’s part of trust.

    • melissa

      Yes, there are just certain topics that are too private for us to be sharing with our friends. It breaks trust and intimacy with our spouse. Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts. God bless!

  2. This is so important and something that isn’t spoken or written about enough. Thank you for giving us practical ways we can discuss these issues. I know my husband and I have different views when it comes to what’s private so I appreciate your suggestions. Thanks again.

    • melissa

      Fran, I’m glad that you found the post beneficial. Women tend to be more willing to share intimate details with their friends and that can break trust with husbands. Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts. God bless!

    • melissa

      Thank you Heidi! It’s important to talk with your spouse about these boundaries to eliminate unnecessary disagreements and hurt feelings. Thank you for stopping by and commenting. God bless!

    • melissa

      I’m glad you found the post beneficial. Taking the time to establish boundaries is important for your marriage and your friendships. Thank you for stopping by and commenting! God bless!

  3. I agree! My husband had a drug addiction and I really had to work hard to find the balance of what I SHOULD talk about because I needed support and what would be hurtful to him for me to talk about (and to who!). This is a great post!

    • melissa

      Thank you Leah. Addiction is definitely a difficult balance to know how to care for yourself, your husband, and your marriage. I hope you were able to find the support you both needed. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your experiences. God bless!

    • melissa

      I love them, too. The original Boundaries book by Townsend and Cloud came out with a revised 20 year addition to incorporate electronics.

  4. Absolutely!! I learned, very early on in my marriage, there are things that need to stay between us! Always be on the look out to protect. Don’t fall into the “gossip” trap of friendship. Especially when it involves your own marriage! This is so important! Thank you for reminding us! <3

    • melissa

      And it is such a gossip trap. People want to feel like they are not the only ones having problems so they naturally try to coax information out of others that corroborates their situation as well. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts and experiences. God bless!

  5. This is such a great post. I think one very important key when it comes to sharing with friends is asking “Why am I sharing this? What is my purpose? What am I hoping to gain?”. If it is just to speak badly about your husband, then keep your mouth shut. But if one is genuinely seeking advice and wisdom, then the audience needs to be considered. How will the other person react? Will they offer Godly wisdom? Or will they offer bad advice or start bad-mouthing the husband? These are vital things to consider before sharing anything with others.

    I’ve shared “intimate” things on my blog and in speaking engagements – however, my husband has given me his blessing BEFOREHAND. And the purpose is to show how God has worked in that circumstance – to encourage younger wives in pursuing Godliness and a healthy marriage.

    Thanks for sharing on Grace and Truth.

    • melissa

      These are such great additional questions to think about and ask before sharing information. The intent of sharing the information is so important. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your insights! God bless!

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