1. I’ve been wanting to read more about this book, so thanks! I heard The Barna Group give a speech years ago while I was in college. They shared studies they did on marriage and how they found the amount of arguing done in a healthy marriage versus unhealthy was the same- it was what the couple did in between the arguing that determined whether the marriage was healthy or not. I’ve never forgotten that.

    • Melissa

      The Barna Group puts out really sound and incredibly well researched information that is so beneficial. I’ve read multiple articles by George Barna, so I was excited to get to review the book!

  2. What’s that verse? Where there is no vision, the people perish? Yeah. I’m fairly sure that doesn’t mean just the leadership.
    Sounds like an incredible book. I am adding it to my list 📚

    • Melissa

      I’m definitely sure it doesn’t mean just leadership! I hope you enjoy the book and find it beneficial! God bless, Aryn!

    • Melissa

      Such an important distinction! One leads to amazing things that we never thought possible and the other leads to doubt and floundering.

  3. Wow, Melissa, you do a great job reviewing a book. I love the outline approach that you use and this definitely sounds like a book I would love and benefit from .

    • Melissa

      Oh Amy, I think it would be a great book for you with your business! Thank you for your kind words as well. I hope you are blessed by the book!

  4. So many good points here… when we plan without God’s vision we often fail. Love that there is a resource to help us focus in on Vision!

    • Melissa

      And my practical and organizational mind loves how George Barna writes and his systematic study guide. It was so helpful!

  5. The Bible is clear, without vision, the people perish. Having a Vision for our lives and our ministries is necessary otherwise we’re just taking up space and wasting time. We need to make sure we are pleasing God and not man and that is why his vision is more important than our limited view.

    • Melissa

      Absolutely yes to all aspects of your comment! The hard part is discerning our own visions versus a God-driven vision. People can absolutely confuse the two if not remaining focused on God.

    • Melissa

      It is certainly one that causes contemplation and a desire to spend time with God to get His vision for our life.

    • Melissa

      It’s a thought provoking and practical approach to discerning God-vision. Thank you for stopping by, Donna. God bless!

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