• Melissa

      It’s a book that I’m sure I will go back to and continue to find areas of growth and benefit. Good luck for the raffle! God bless!

  1. The fact that our thoughts can be based on lies that we have somehow been led to believe is scary. This is one reason why it’s important for us to be transparent with mature believers in the body of Christ, so they can catch those lies at the beginning, so we don’t end up basing our thinking on lies for years. Otherwise it can lead to unnecessary sorrow.

    • Melissa

      So very true Susan. It’s important that we have safe relationships with other Christians so we can be vulnerable enough to share with each other our struggles. That can be a humbling thing to do but so important. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. God bless!

    • Melissa

      Yes, I would absolutely recommend this book to anyone who is struggling with past lies and stuck thoughts.

    • Melissa

      Yes, and I feel like more and more authors and bloggers and focusing on ways to use His words to help and encourage others to fight against the lies. Thank you for stopping by Tiffany!

  2. Bethany

    I’m reading through Battle Ready right now. Very slowly, because I want it to sink in. Such a great tool, glad you will be recommending it as a therapist!!

    • Melissa

      It is such a great tool! I love when I am able to read a book that has solid biblical teaching and practical application for individuals that are wanting and motivated to find growth. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. God bless!

    • Melissa

      I think we all need a little extra help with our mindset! It’s so beneficial when we can find resources that help us to stay intentional and focused. God bless!

    • Melissa

      I’m thankful you found the blog as well! I pray you find the posts beneficial and encouraging. God bless!

  3. Stephanie Harper

    The form for the raffle wouldn’t let me enter a comment, but here it is…

    I definitely struggle with thinking I’m not good enough and that if I try to do something too hard, I will fail. I try to push past it. But my reaction to these thoughts is often fear.

    I’d love to read the book, Battle Ready!

    • Melissa

      This is such a common negative thought for women. However, remembering you are a daughter of the Creator of the universe and He loves you tremendously. Exactly as you are! Remember that! God bless!

  4. Shelia Morris

    My thought of not being enough to do everything when a stress situation happens. I still hear that voice saying, You are not good enough to do anything!” Shelia Morris

    • Melissa

      Oh Shelia, I hope you are able to see that for what it is – a lie!

      Heavenly Father, please help Shelia to experience your love in a tangible and intimate way that breaks her free from this lie. Open her heart to know how You see her. Amen!

      God bless, Shelia!

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