1. These are great suggestions and as I am sure your know, so much of the battle is in our minds. I often go back to that verse about taking every thought captive and it helps me to keep the anxious or negative thoughts at bay. Then I turn to all that I can be thankful for. It really makes a difference in how my mind views life throughout the day. Thanks for your suggestions. Great advice! – Amy

    • melissa

      You’re right it is a battle in our mind! And if we’re not careful our mind can take our joy hostage. Focusing on God and faith-filled intentions help us to stay grounded! Thank you for reading and commenting! God Bless!

  2. I used to resent people that have that naturally glass half-full mindset because I am a perfect melancholy personality and that isn’t natural for me. I do have to work at it everyday, to be faith-filled, and that’s ok for all those out there that have to work on it constantly as well. The point is that you have to create that good habit of thinking and God shows us how to do it in scripture. Thanks for providing us with some great intentions to get started!

    • melissa

      It isn’t very natural for me either! If I’m not careful my mindset can be very dependent upon my current situation in life. Focusing on God and having a faith-filled intention helps to bring me peace! But it takes work! God Bless!

  3. When you know that God works everything out for your good and that He is in control, you are better able to have hope and contentment even in difficult circumstances. I think hope is the Christian word for positive thinking.

  4. I love the concept of setting an intention for every day. I’m thinking I need to start jotting mine down on my hand or something, because I start pretty much every day with a lovely goal/vision for the day, and I’ve usually forgotten it by the time I dash out the door to work.

    • melissa

      I tell you, set a reminder in your phone! It’s definitely the best thing you can look at on there! Thank you for reading and commenting. God Bless!

  5. I practice gratitude when I go to bed by thanking God for at least ten things. And they don’t all have to be good things. I thank Him for the hard things because they are still not as hard as taking all the sin of the world onto your his on the cross. I start my mornings by intentionally giving Him my day. This way I don’t get too set on my pland.

    • melissa

      These are great ideas! I definitely try to give Him my day. When I try to be in control in never goes well and I feel either anxious or like I’m floating.

    • melissa

      It does go hand in hand! How could you not be positive when you know God is taking care of you and has a plan for you! Thank you for stopping by and commenting. God Bless!

    • melissa

      I’m glad the post was encouraging. God wants us to live intentionally instead of just floating day to day. Making the day about Him, for Him, and to strive to be like Him are our tasks! God Bless!

    • melissa

      I’m glad this was helpful! We truly can have joy in the midst of any struggle when we place our hope in Him and focus on His love! Thank you for commenting! God Bless!

    • melissa

      It absolutely does! There is so much research coming out that is reinforcing the importance positive thinking and the benefits in all aspects of your life – physically, cognitively, and spiritually. Thank you for reading and commenting! God Bless!

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