1. Melissa, I love what you said about the positive attitude. My husband bought a macro lens for his photography business. It’s amazing at the details I see when I look through that lens. Having a positive attitude helps a lot in life.

    • melissa

      It truly helps to refocus your life when you have a positive attitude. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. God bless!

  2. I loved that you wrote, “focus on positive self-talk.” I believe that this statement was written just for me today. I can talk so positively about others, but at times it is very hard for me to do the same for myself. I needed this reminder. Thank you!

    • melissa

      I’m so glad you found the post beneficial! From reading your posts I can imagine you easily light up a room! God bless Keisha!

    • melissa

      I wrote this post just as much for myself as for anyone else! Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. God bless!

    • melissa

      Light does always overtake darkness! That is why the people who shine their lights are such a comfort to be around! Thank you for stopping by and commenting! God bless!

  3. I absolutely love this! Thank you, also, for breaking it down! I know I need some help in a couple of these areas! It’s also very appropriate for me, as I’m headed to visit family for the holidays! I need an extra shot of joy! <3

    • melissa

      I’m in need in a couple of these areas as well! I’m blessed to have a few people in my life that absolutely shine their light and allow me to see first hand how they do it. Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts. God bless your holiday travels and time with your family!

  4. Those are all such wonderful traits. When a person with all those walks into a room, we’re all happy about it! I recently spent time in the presence of a person who had such an abundance of energy that it sapped mine, so a person’s presence can make either a positive or negative difference.

    • melissa

      Very true Lisa. When a person has a large personality, even if it’s a positive trait usually, it can have a negative effect on another person. Balance, compassion, and empathy are all keys to not negatively effecting those around us. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your experiences. God bless!

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