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Learning to Enjoy God’s Diet
There are so many different diets and food lifestyles out there. And if a person is wanting to lose weight and focus on being healthy, the sheer number of options can be overwhelming.
Here are some of the more popular diets and lifestyles that are trending right now: paleo, keto, Mediterranean, Whole30, vegetarian, and vegan.
And while each one of them have specific rules, restrictions, and plans, they each have a common denominator.
Reduce and/or cut out highly processed “junk food”.
Each one of them focuses on aspects of God’s diet. The natural food that He provided for us.
While there are multiple approaches, it is becoming abundantly clear that eating more natural foods, the way God designed them to be, is healthiest for our body.
[ctt template=”9″ link=”ExhUa” via=”yes” ]While there are multiple approaches, it is becoming abundantly clear that eating more natural foods, the way God designed them to be, is healthiest for our body.[/ctt]
God’s Diet: Fighting the Sugar Dragon
About a year ago, I decided to take the plunge and cut out added sugar from my diet. It was not a decision I entered into lightly. I loved dessert. In fact that was the problem. I have had an emotional relationship with sugar and dessert for my entire life.
I had come to realize just how much it controlled me. Added sugar had become my reward and my comforter. But it also hijacked my emotions. I was becoming a slave to it.
I tried to justify not needing to quit because I didn’t have a legitimate medical reason to. But then I was reminded of a bible verse.
1 Corinthians 6:12 (NIV)
12 “I have the right to do anything,” you say—but not everything is beneficial. “I have the right to do anything”—but I will not be mastered by anything.
In this verse, Paul is addressing the people of Corinth pertaining to their sexual immorality. But this was exactly how I was viewing added sugar.
The process of quitting was tremendously hard for the first two or three weeks. I craved added sugar and dessert items constantly. I felt embarrassed by the stronghold it had on me.
As time progressed the day to day cravings dissipated. But it was a year of recognizing how I viewed holidays and family gatherings. With each holiday I had to suppress my desire to eat whatever decadent dessert that was associated with the celebration. Each new situation came new cravings and justifications I had to fight against.
God’s Diet: Whole30
In 2017, I also participated in the Whole30. The process is an elimination diet for 30 days to then see how your body responds when you systematically add items back into your diet.
Thankfully I didn’t start this until about Summer so my sugar cravings were well under control.
During the 30 days you aren’t allowed to have added sugar, gluten or grains, dairy, legumes, alcohol, and anything that contains carrageenan, MSG, soy, and sulfates.
Plus no “junk food” substitutes. Like cookies made out of acceptable ingredients. This is more addressing your mental and emotional relationship with these types of foods.
While on the Whole30 I realized how much more energy I had. This process also included an increase in positive emotions and thoughts.
The food God created and designed for us also tasted so much better! Fruit was more sweet and vibrant. Vegetables tasted complex and savory. Meat without additives tasted great.
And as a bonus I lost weight and inches around my waist.
I also gained the knowledge that my body doesn’t really like gluten very much. When I have too much of it (a portion of pasta) I get puffy and retain water. This has allowed me to substitute better options.
God’s Diet: Round Two
This past Christmas season I decided to test my ability to handle added sugar. To see if I could employ the same mindset that I do with gluten.
Is is permissible? Yes. Is it beneficial? No. Is it worth it? That depends upon the item.
That process has helped me to be more mindful with gluten.
But man, crash and burn!
I chose a scrumptious looking cookie filled with chocolate and icing. I tried to eat it slowly and mindfully. Focusing on the textures and taste combinations. That certainly helped me savor the cookie.
But the sugar dragon was awakened with a resurgence of power.
It was like my eleven months of being sugar free had never happened.
I caved multiple times and I started to notice old patterns resurfacing. My next sugar fix began preoccupying my thoughts. Irritability and emotional ups and downs became more regular. Some old binge eating behaviors even started to flareup.
So this January I recommitted to an added sugar free lifestyle.
God’s Diet: Benefits
I was reminded of another bible verse.
1 Corinthians 10:13 (NIV)
13 No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.
My way out has to be to abstain. God has provided me with all of the natural sugar I need to meet my sweet tooth desires. And they never lead to messed up emotions and out of wack cravings.
God wants to take care of us and He has provided us with everything we need to be able to live healthy lives.
But, as with everything, God allows us a choice.
Let us remember –
1 Corinthians 6:19-20 (NIV)
19 Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.
I pray that this post encourages you to take a look at your food choices and see how you can incorporate more of God’s diet into your life.
God bless!
After 40 years of dieting and failing, eating right (no sugar, almost gluten-free, and mostly whole foods) is a relief! Yes, I’ve hit a few walls and will again. But you are so right – sugar is like a dragon for me too! Thanks for the encouragement.
I’m glad you found the post encouraging, Joy! So many diets are too restrictive or try to give a person fast results but are not sustainable. But God has already provided for us food that is healthy! Thank you for stopping by and sharing. God bless!
I’ve walked a similar journey and love, love how you tie this “diet” to the plan God had laid out for us in nature all along.
It’s amazing how when we follow God’s design we don’t struggle with things of this world in the same way as when we try to follow worldly advice. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your experience. God bless!
I need to eat more natural foods–fruits and vegetables especially–and stop eating so much processed food. I bet I would feel some of my energy come back!
I’m sure it would be beneficial. I definitely felt increase energy and even cognitive clarity the more I focused on natural foods instead of processed food. Thank you for stopping by, Susan! God bless!
I love this connection between healthy eating and our relationship with God! I cut out dessert one year as a new year’s resolution, and I found after a few months I stopped craving it. It’s amazing, though, how quickly our bodies get back into bad habits once we stop being focused and disciplined!
It’s such a good reminder for other areas of our life, too. If we allow bad habits to enter back into our lives we can quickly be consumed by them all over again. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. God bless!
I too love sweets. It is a hard habit to break and I can see how easy it is to become a slave to it…those afternoon sugar craving as if they are calling you by name! Please pray for me..I would like the motivation to reduce my consumption.
I will pray for you JJ! During those afternoon cravings try to replace them with some of God’s sweet truths! Thank you for reading and sharing your experience. God bless!
I have been sugar free for a month. My joints feel so much better. But like you, sugar has this siren call that has sung to me my whole life. I am relying on God to set me free!
I have found memorizing certain bible verses helps to remind me why it would be best for me to keep sugar out of my life. Thank you for sharing your experience. God bless your sugar-free journey!
I have struggled with a chocolate craving since college. So I know exactly what you are talking about!!! Whole30 is awesome. I did it over a year ago and it was amazing!
I plan on doing another round of the Whole30 again this Summer so I can gain more information about my body as well as go into the fall with a good reminder of how great my body feels when I’m feeding it properly. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your experience. God bless!
This post struck a chord with me. I think I have a sugar addiction as I look forward to a chocolate or sweet tea during the day. I’m going to look into Whole30.
Thank you!
The Whole30 was a really great way for me to understand how my body specifically reacts to food. I think that was my favorite part as opposed to other food lifestyles that just tell you what to eat without the specificity of your body. Thank you for reading and sharing your experience. God bless!
I am trying to eat healthier in this season of life. I used to diet aggressively when I was in my teens through my thirties. Now I just want to focus on healthy choices. I love veggies so that helps! I try to juice and eat them raw as often as possible! Thank you for your informative posts! 🙂
Dieting is a hard cycle to get out of. I’m glad your focus has now been on healthy choices. Veggies are so versatile, too! Thank you for stopping by and sharing your experience. God bless!
I believe in eating intuitively and not making rules around food. The minute I make a rule it makes me a little insane. The freedom keeps me even-keeled and balanced. If I want donuts for breakfast fine. Chances are tomorrow I’ll want oatmeal because I’ve had my sugar fix. I know it doesn’t work that way for everyone, but it’s how God has wired me to live the most successfully.
I would Love it if my brain was wired that way! Unfortunately sugar has too much of a stronghold over me that it’s just best to not have any. Enjoy a sprinkled donut for me! Thank you for stopping by Jamie! God bless!
We also cut sugar completely in September. It’s been such a hard walk through the holidays and occasions. I can honestly say, I have felt so much better. My family has felt better. We will not be controlled by anything. I LOVE how you have taken worldly choices and backed it with God’s truth. This is so important to keep in mind when making ANY decision in one’s life. With more and more knowledge coming out about some of the foods that are normal in our diets, it’s our duty and command to treat our bodies as temples. We should feel a conviction to not allow poison in any form to enter our temples. This is hard, but God delights when I take care of the body He’s gifted me. <3
Congratulations on being sugar free since September! My husband and kids are not sugar free so it can be a bit of a lonely road! They don’t have the same difficulties saying ‘no’ and having appropriate portions. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your experiences. God bless!
This is a very timely post for me. Thanks for sharing your journey.
I’m glad you found the post beneficial! Thank you for reading and commenting. God bless!