Has Exercise and Diet Become Your Idol?
My husband and I had started working out and eating healthy before we got married. I had felt and looked great! Then the honeymoon happened and I fell out of the routine. I struggled to consistently workout after that. Then a couple of babies happened and that really messed up the exercise plans. In addition I have had a long history of emotional eating.
So a few years ago I decided I wanted to change the way I felt about my body and overall self-esteem. I no longer wanted to look in the mirror and be unhappy with what I saw.
I found some workout routines that I thought would work for me and I started to focus more closely on my diet.
And truth be told it worked really well. I worked hard. I got up at 4:45 AM every morning. The weight came off. But I let exercise and eating healthy control my life. I was constantly counting calories. Calories I was consuming and calories I was burning.
I allowed exercise and eating healthy to become my idol.
The definition of idol, according to Merriam-Webster is a representation or symbol of an object of worship; an object of extreme devotion.
Exercise and diet became my focus and answer for all things. They were my go-to in all situations.
Exodus 20: 3-5a (NASB) “You shall have no other gods before Me. “You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth. You shall not worship them or serve them;
Below are four ways to check an see if exercise and diet have become an idol in your life.
*It should be noted that these four areas can be a test to see if anything is becoming an idol and taking priority over your time and relationship with God.
Thoughts that Preoccupy Your Day
The first thing on my mind when I woke up was working out and the next was what I was going to eat for the day. And then throughout the day my thoughts surrounded when I was going to eat next, how much, and how many calories I had left.
I allowed physical fitness to take more precedence than my spiritual health. My relationship with God took a backseat. And sometimes He wasn’t even invited into the car.
Colossians 3:1 (NASB) Therefore if you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.
Stress Reliever
I found that when I was stressed, anxious, and/or overwhelmed I would workout. It helped me to burn off the restless energy and feelings.
And while working out can be an effective way to decrease stress, it was the only way I was addressing stress. I wasn’t taking my anxiety to God. We weren’t having time together to work through my distress. I wasn’t relying on Him. I was trying to take care of it myself.
I’m not saying a good run to clear the head is bad. But it can become an idol when we stop seeking God at all and only rely on exercise to relieve our stress.
Philippians 4:6-7 (NIV) Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
I was receiving comfort in the control I was having on my body. When the world around me felt hard, negative, sad, etc. I would become even more stringent on my exercise routine and diet.
Again, we are called to care for our bodies. So the fact that I was exercising and eating healthy were not the issue. (I also never got to an unhealthy weight. I was physically quite strong.)
The problem remained that I stopped seeking God for support. I focused on the control I had instead of giving up control to God and leaning into Him for support.
2 Corinthians 1:3 (NIV) Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort,
I allowed my worth to be dependent upon the work I was putting into creating the best physical version of me I could. If I didn’t workout I felt I was letting myself down. If I ate something unhealthy I felt guilty. I wrapped my worth and identity into being fit and healthy.
This was the hardest area for me to come to understand. I had to realize I have done this in many areas of my life. Often I have used my “works” as a way to define my worth.
I allowed who I am in God to not be enough. Truthfully, I didn’t fully realize my worth to God. It wasn’t until I relinquished control and acknowledged how far off base I had allowed my priorities to get, was I able to experience myself through God’s eyes.
That has been a process. But in that process, I have opened myself up to be used by God for His glory. I wasn’t able to do that when I had a false idol.
Psalm 139:14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.2 Thessalonians 1:11 (NIV) With this in mind, we constantly pray for you, that our God may make you worthy of his calling, and that by his power he may bring to fruition your every desire for goodness and your every deed prompted by faith.
For more on prioritizing exercise read Fitness as a way to glorify God.
I pray that this post helps you to refocus your priorities so that exercise and diet doesn’t consume your life and become your idol.
God bless!
Such and awesome post! Thank you for your transparency, as many people don’t understand that inanimate objects can become idols. Just like you mentioned, with the New Year approaching, this is something of which we should be cautious.
Thank you very much for your kind words. Exercise and diet can commonly turn into idols but so many other aspects of our lives can too if we aren’t aware. Thank you again for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. God bless!
Love this post! I definitely relate, as I used to idolize exercise myself. Thanks for this reminder!
Thank you Emily. It can become so easy to do with exercise and so many other things. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. God bless!
It’s hard to not make idols in our lives, especially when we are focusing on accomplishing something good in an area of our lives. It then becomes disproportionate. Great post!
Thank you Susan. As with anything it’s about balance and ensuring we are allowing other things to get in the way of God being our primary focus! Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. God bless!
This is great and something that I dont feel like is talked about a lot. This is a REALY stuggle for many people and I don’t even think they realize it is a struggle because in their minds, theyre being “healthy”
Sorry for the typos. I have no clue what my computer was doing when I was typing. It was going slow and the screen was flickering haha
Anyways, without typos:
This is a great read and something that I don’t feel is talked about enough. This is a REAL struggle for many and I don’t think they realize it is because in their minds they’re being “healthy.”
🙂 No worries! Thank you again for stopping by!
That’s true. Often idols and even addictions are only viewed as negative things but “healthy” and “positive” things can cause distress as well. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. God bless!
It never ceases to amaze me how many aspects of our life can turn idolatrous. Anything that gives pleasure can easily turn to the idolatrous and yet God made us able to experience so much of it, it cannot be evil in and of itself. Rather if He becomes the focus of our enjoyment, the others stay in their rightful places.
Such a great point Alice. When God is our focus our joy and pleasure pour out of Him and we become thankful to Him for the gift of everything else. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your insights! God bless!
Melissa- thank you for sharing this and for being real!
I’ve made other things idols in my life, so this is a great reminder to make sure God is number one.
Thank you, Julie. It can be so easy to allow other things, especially ‘good’ things, to get in the way of focusing on God first. Thank you for reading and sharing. God bless!
I so appreciate that you are sharing your wisdom from the journey with readers to READ. May God bring many young women and mothers to the door of your blog! Blessings in Christ, HUGS
Thank you Tammy! My desire is to provide hope and healing to all through our Savior! Thank you for stopping by and continually supporting me and the blog! God bless!
Thank you so much for this post!!
This recently has been such a struggle in my own life….I had a bad concussion 3 years ago when I was 16,, and as a result gained a lot of weight. I lost it over a few months and was balanced and great. Then I gained more weight over last summer and had to work hard to get it back off…then this past spring I got way too fearful of having a relapse and went to where I was at an unhealthy weight— almost an eating disorder. Now I’m trying to build myself back up— and be balanced. But I still struggle with fear and getting preoccupied with when I can workout so I don’t get behind…ugh. But this post rang so true…it’s not a sin itself to be healthy and exercise. It’s when we neglect our God and Savior that we sin. I’m still trying to figure out how to not be so preoccupied with keeping myself up without letting it all slide, because I know God wants me to take care of this temple. I guess it’s mostly a battle of the mind.
Great post and thank you!!!