1. I learned early on in life that you budget for your priorities. You can afford whatever is important to you. If that’s paying off your debts, you will make it happen. If it’s Netflix, you will be able to afford it. Because you do make choices to budget based on your priorities.

    • melissa

      It really is amazing what you are able to pay off and/or buy when you shift priorities! Thank you for sharing your thoughts. God bless!

  2. People don’t realize how much money they waste in their day to day lives. If they stop using a credit card and use cash, they will notice, and their bills will be way lower.

    • melissa

      I agree. It is much easier to spend money when it is through a credit and debit card when you don’t literally see the money leaving your hands. Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts. God bless!

  3. This is very insightful. It truly is amazing what happens when you put your faith in God, set boundaries and stick to a budget. God will bless your life financially for sure. If more people did not live beyond their means, there would be so much less stress as well.

    • melissa

      So true, Keisha. Many people don’t actually take the time to figure out their weekly/monthly income versus how much they are spending. Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts. God bless!

  4. My husband and I also went through Dave Ramsey’s book about a year ago. We have been working on the debt snowball and have paid off a few things! Thanks for sharing ways to cut money.

    • melissa

      The debt snowball is such a great way to pay off debt. It can feel like it is taking forever until you are able to accumulate the money from past bills onto others. Thank you for reading and sharing your experiences. God bless!

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