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Book Review – The Trust Protocol by Mac Richard
Mac Richard is the founding pastor of Lake Hills Church in Austin, Texas. He and his wife, Julie, launched Lake Hills with a calling to redefine church for the city of Austin and beyond. In 2008, Mac found Spur Leadership to equip and empower marketplace professionals with practical tools to expand their leadership capacity and their contribution to the world.
From the back of the book: Trust is the glue that binds people together – from our families and friendships to our companies and communities. But trust i a fragile gift that can be abused, broken, and exploited with devastating consequences. The Trust Protocol provides a clear path not just to manage these tensions but to embrace them in order to experience the genuine connectedness and effectiveness we’re created for – in all areas of life.
Hebrews 10:24 Let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.
[ctt template=”7″ link=”Sy1dY” via=”yes” ]Hebrews 10:24 Let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. I want this to be my life motto![/ctt]
In the book, Mac describes that this bible verse is the backbone and foundation of the trust protocol. He describes that in order to guide others we have to exhibit credibility through integrity and action.
“How we interact with others will be propellant or deterrent to how successful, how fulfilled, how peaceful and how effective we will be.”
The battle of why
Mac brings forth an important point. You have to choose self or others. Why are you building trust? Why are you promoting your cause?
When we are more focused on ourselves we are more at risk of cutting corners. Spiritually, morally, and ethically.
However when our focus is on others we strive for integrity.
“When people learn they can trust you, they will seek you out as a source of help, wisdom, and encouragement that will add value to their lives or projects.”
[ctt template=”7″ link=”diub4″ via=”yes” ]”When people learn they can trust you, they will seek you out as a source of help, wisdom, and encouragement that will add value to their lives or projects.” [/ctt]
Mac outlines integrity as someone who is whole and complete, uncorrupted.
The book describes remaining rooted in scripture, prayer and Godly counsel to maintain integrity.
Trust and integrity are built on character and competency
Anything other than what is true and real is from Satan and not God. John 8:44
Mac describes the necessary combination to build trust in others – productivity along with high moral character, trustworthiness, faithfulness and dependability.
This combination is hard work and takes effort however honesty is easier, more effective and liberating in comparison to lying.
The Trust Protocol addresses betrayal in a way I hadn’t thought of before.
“If Jesus was betrayed, who am I to believe it wouldn’t happen to me.”
Wow! What a profound statement!
Mac also described receiving this little nugget from a counselor, “You are worthy of respect but not deserving of it. Deserving breeds entitlement.”
This is such a great reminder. We are worthy of respect because we are created in the image of God. We are not deserving of respect because we are sinners. How often do we go around our day believing we deserve ______ from others?!
It’s about relationships
As Hebrews 10:24 is the foundation of the Trust Protocol, the majority of the book focuses on relationships. Building and cultivating relationships to benefit others on their quest to seek integrity and God.
Mac addresses ways to push through fear when interactions may be uncomfortable and difficult.
We have to try from a posture of love, respect, and honor. Ephesians 4:15-16
The book also focuses on key areas: receiving criticism, trusting before evidence, grit, perseverance, and strength.
Mac’s last chapter of the book sums up the trust protocol wonderfully.
“Lives are at stake!”
We are called to be disciples to bring others to God. When we interact with others through integrity, honesty, and credibility we are reflecting the character of God.
I loved Mac’s ending points, “Jesus was more concerned about making a person than making a point. Our love and good deeds manifest His grace and truth.”
The Trust Protocol is a good read for anyone wanting to enrich their relationships through love and deeds.
Disclaimer: I was given a free copy of this book by Baker Books in exchange for a review. All opinions are my own.
For more of my book reviews check out posts on Anatomy of an Affair, A Life Long Love, The Five Love Languages, Curious Faith, Captivating, and Made to Crave.
I hope you enjoyed the review and have found another book to add to your reading wish list!
God bless!
“Jesus was more concerned about making a person than making a point.” <– This! I so want to read this book! My reading list keeps getting longer and longer!
Isn’t that a great line?! It’s a good book if you have the opportunity. Thank you for stopping by and commenting! God bless!
When trust is shattered, it’s always because someone was selfish.
So true Susan. People don’t always like to acknowledge that fact but it’s true. Thank you for stopping by and commenting! God bless!
You’ve interested me in this book. I have trust issues because my trust was broken as a child. I’ve forgiven, but trust is something that takes time for me!
It’s a challenging book in that he describes giving trust even before there’s evidence of it. With the understanding that there may be times that you get burned. I would be interested in your take. Thank you for stopping by and commenting! God bless!