1. Courtney

    I love this idea! A lot of times we listen to the sermon and say we enjoy it but don’t really discuss too much after that. I will definitely use this as a way to connect with my husband more!

    • melissa

      I’m glad that you found the post beneficial! It’s a great way to connect with your husband and learn more about God together. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. God bless!

  2. My husband and I often talk about the sermons, what we agreed and disagreed with, backed up with Scripture on why we agree or disagree. It’s a great way to have more mental and spiritual unity.

    • melissa

      That’s great that you guys take the time to discuss the sermons. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your experience. God bless!

    • melissa

      Thank you Christina. Talking about the sermon with someone else does help you understand and apply the sermon better. The engagement allows for greater focus and depth of thought. Thank you again for stopping by and commenting. God bless!

  3. My husband and I read spiritual books together as well as other genres like biography. We read to each other and discuss passages that resonate with us. It really bonds us as a couple and helps us to see where each other is at.

    • melissa

      Alice, that’s awesome that you and your husband have that time and connection together. My husband and I tend to read at the same time but different books. We usually end up interrupting each other to share thoughts and snippets. Thank you for reading and sharing your experiences. God bless!

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