• melissa

      Thank you! God’s words are so rich and can have such healing! So often we read our bibles or verses without really breaking them down and seeing how relevant they are to our life, in this exact moment! Thank you for reading and commenting! God Bless and enjoy your weekend!

    • melissa

      We went to a Catholic church prior to my parents divorcing when I was 13. Every year the church would publish the amount each family tithed. It was not good.

    • melissa

      This is so true! It is such a beautiful result for everyone involved! Thank you for reading and commenting! God bless!

  1. So many times I’ve given everything I had in my wallet to a person in need, and within the next day or two, I had the money back in my hand, sometimes double! God is amazing and owns all of your money.

    • melissa

      I’ve experienced the same types of situations as well. Feeling lead to give extra at church, a charity, or to a person in need and God provides back to me in monetary ways as well as flourishing spiritual growth! Thank you for reading and commenting! God bless!

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